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eTools Home :Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool Credits
Job Safety Analysis (JSA)
Site Preparation >> Transporting Equipment to the Site

Depending on the location of the well, access to the site may require preparation of a road bed. A site, and its access road, must accommodate a large number of temporary and semi-permanent structures and tanks, all brought in by truck. The tasks are: Fig. 1. Transporting a Derrick
Fig. 1. Transporting equipment

Back to Top Transporting Equipment by Truck

Equipment is loaded on trucks at the previous drill site or storage yard, secured and transported to the new drill location.

Potential Hazards:
Fig. 2. Transporting derrick
Fig. 2. Transporting derrick
  • At a newly prepared drill site, the soils may not be compacted sufficiently to support the incoming load. This could cause the load to become unstable.

  • The load may not be secured properly, causing it to shift or the tie-downs to fail.

  • In slick conditions, the truck may slide off the road.
Possible Solutions:
  • Make sure that the access road and drill pad at the drill site has been properly prepared before attempting to drive on it.

  • Drive slowly; always being cautious of shifting weight.

  • Loads should be tied down with proper devices and inspected before and during transport. U.S. Department of Transportation, [49 CFR 393.100] General rules for protection against shifting or falling cargo.

  • Always drive with caution, whatever the conditions.

Back to Top Unload at Drill Site
Unloading doghouse
Fig. 3. Unloading doghouse

Equipment is unloaded and placed approximately where it will be rigged up.

Potential Hazard:
  • Improperly secured loads could cause equipment to slide or collapse during unloading.
Possible Solution:
  • Inspect loads before loading or unloading.

eTools Home :Oil and Gas Well Drilling and Servicing eTool Credits