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SNEAK PEEK: The Next Iteration of


Today we are taking a step forward and pulling back the curtain with a preview of the next iteration of to give you the opportunity to take a tour of the new site, and to “kick the tires” as the saying goes.

When we began the process of our redesign, we started with the goal of creating a site that is more user-friendly, with up-to-date information, and easier to navigate. To reach this goal, some of the changes we made are: re-organizing the main content sections; adding drop-down menus; and integrating the “search” function to a greater extent within the website.

As we move forward through this process, there are a few important points to note:

  • First, in an effort to provide options and ease users into how the new site functions, the new re-designed site will be available while the old site remains active. This will provide individuals the opportunity to be able to access information in the manner they are most comfortable and assist with easing them into a transition to the new site. 
  • Second, we want to let you know that through this re-design process we have been updating much of the content that you will find on As we continue to work, we still have some pages that are being brought up-to-date. So please understand that content continues to flow and is being updated as quickly as possible. 
  • Finally, like many projects of this magnitude, we anticipate that there will be some technical bugs in the system and we will work to address them as expeditiously as possible.

In the end, it is important for us to know what you, the user, thinks about the new site. Let us know what you think – the good, the bad, and everything in between. Click around the site and email us your thoughts: So once we’ve kicked the tires of the new site, what’s next?

Once we complete the work on the site and we are comfortable that it is working and functioning in a way that you have come to expect, we’ll take down the current site and replace it with the new version of the site. A point to note for some of our users who regularly link to some of FEMA’s content. When the new site goes live, links that you have bookmarked or links to our content may no longer work. So, as we move forward in the process, we will be asking web site owners, bloggers, etc, to assist us by making sure if you have links to from your sites that you update links to our site.

Keep watching this space and we’ll keep you updated and let you know when you should start changing the links. Thanks again for visiting the new, improved, and easier-to-navigate!

Last Updated: 
06/21/2012 - 21:25