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Volcanic activity at Mt Tongariro, Mt Ruapehu and White Island

Release of Christchurch independent review and Corrective Action Plan
The Corrective Action Plan based on the independent review of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Response to the 22 February Christchurch Earthquake has been released by the Minister of Civil Defence. Community Resilience: case studies from the Canterbury earthquakes
The latest issue of the Ministry's occasional publication, Tephra, draws on the experiences of communities hit by the Canterbury earthquakes and looks at emergency management from their perspectives. Importantly, the contributions indicate how the official approach to an emergency can be more effective if based on the understanding of the dynamics that occur within communities. Christchurch 22 February 2011 earthquake information
Public information continues to be available from the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority

Earthquake resources for home, school and work

The Ministry has received overwhelmingly positive feedback about the public resources created for New Zealand's first ever national earthquake drill, New Zealand ShakeOut, and more than 1.3 million people were signed up to take part! All the resources created for the campaign are still available for you to use at work, home, school, wherever you are. There are manuals and planning documents, posters and flyers, web banners and much more. You can be adapt them to provide earthquake preparedness information without referring to New Zealand ShakeOut. To download resources, click on

If you have questions or need further information, email

If a disaster happened now, would you be ready? Visit to learn how you and your family can get ready, and get through.

Resources for hearing and vision impaired
Interactive, electronic resources designed to give potentially life-saving advice on emergency planning to the vision impaired and the hearing impaired:
Turtle Safe: Resources for pre-schools
Resources on earthquake safety for pre-school children.

What's the Plan Stan?
Teaching and learning resources for primary and intermediate school children.

Kia Takatū
Teaching and learning resources in Te Reo Māori.

Tsunami: When minutes count
New Zealanders who survived the Samoa tsunami on 29 September 2009 share their stories.

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