U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program

State Wildlife Grant Program - Overview


The State Wildlife Grants Program provides federal grant funds for developing and implementing programs that benefit wildlife and their habitats, including species not hunted or fished. Priority is placed on projects that benefit species of greatest conservation need.

Grant funds must be used to address conservation needs such as research, surveys, species and habitat management, and monitoring, identified within a State’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plan/Strategy. These funds may also be used to update, revise, or modify a State’s Strategy. More info...

Learn about State Wildlife Grant Program accomplishments.

Source of Funds

Congress appropriates funds for the State Wildlife Grant Program on an annual basis. Funds are apportioned to States, commonwealths, and U.S. territories based on a formula.

In addition, Congress has authorized funding since 2008 for a competitive State Wildlife Grant Program to encourage multi-partner projects that implement actions contained in the State Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Plans (also known as State Wildlife Action Plans).

State and Territory fish & wildlife agencies may apply for SWG grants by contacting the specific WSFR Program Regional Office or apply online at grants.gov.

Grants funds are disbursed to States for approved grants at a maximum federal share of 75% for Planning grants and 65% for Implementation grants. Territories are exempt from these matching fund requirements..