Young Worker Safety in Restaurants
No Smoking Sign - ETS
Swinging Doors - Slips/Trips/Falls
Hot Serving Equipment - Burns and Scalds
Serving Tray - Strains and Sprains
Cutting Utensils - Knives and Cuts
Ice Machine - Slips/Trips/Falls
Cash Register - Workplace Violence
Wet Floors - Slips/Trips/Falls
Unserved Food - Strains and Sprains
Wet Floors - Slips/Trips/Falls
The Serving area of a restaurant offers young workers an opportunity for direct interaction with the customer, while learning food service and money handling skills. Young workers in this area may also be exposed to the following hazards:
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Burns and Scalds
Potential Hazard

Worker preparing coffee
Worker preparing coffee
Burns may occur while young workers are serving or preparing hot foods or drinks or while they are operating machinery that makes hot drinks such as coffee, tea, or espresso. Carrying hot plates or plates that have been placed under heat lamps or reaching over candles placed on tables can also cause burns.

Possible Solutions

Young Worker Solutions

Employers have the primary responsibility for protecting the safety and health of their workers. Employees are responsible for following the safe work practices of their employers.
Protect your hands while carrying hot plates
Protect your hands while carrying hot plates
  • Be properly trained to prepare hot items. Understand how to use the equipment you will be required to operate safely.

  • Use caution when preparing hot drinks or using machines that dispense hot liquids. Don't stick your hands into areas where hot coffee or hot liquids are dispensed.

  • Do not remove coffee pot until coffee is through being dispensed.

  • Use trays to carry hot plates.

  • Use a waiter's cloth or hot pads or oven mitts to protect your arms or hands when carrying hot plates or trays. Be aware that plates under heat lamps are hot!

  • Observe any safety procedures or wear any protective equipment (hot pads, mitts, aprons) provided for your use while preparing hot items.

  • Do not reach over table candles while serving or removing food from tables. Do not carry lit candles because the wax can burn.

  • Do not use wet towels to grab or hold hot items.

  • Remember that items heated in a microwave continue to cook or heat after the the microwave turns off.

  • Receive basic first aid training for the treatment of burns.

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