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What We’re Watching: 5/27/11


Severe weather outlook
This Memorial Day weekend, forecasts from the National Weather Service are calling for potentially severe weather in many parts of the U.S., including:

  • continued flooding along the Mississippi River, and in parts of the Great Plains,
  • the eastern half of the country will experience high temperatures than normal through the weekend, and
  • severe drought conditions across the south, stretching from parts of Arizona into Florida.

Visit the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center for a full forecast, and make sure to take steps to get prepared for the hazards in your area at

President Obama, Administrator Travels to Tornado Impacted States
On Sunday, President Obama and Administrator Fugate will be in Joplin, Missouri to meet with the governor and other state and local officials and continue to assess the damage. Also on Sunday, Secretary Napolitano will join Congressman Robert Aderholt to visit Hackleburg, Alabama survey ongoing recovery and response efforts on the ground following the tornadoes and severe storms that devastated the region last month.

Ongoing recovery efforts
We’ve had several blog posts about our role in the ongoing disaster response and recovery efforts, from the historic flooding along the Mississippi River to the devastating tornadoes that struck several states in the southeast, Minnesota, and Missouri. You can see our latest updates on the Severe Storms / Tornadoes or Floods categories of the blog, or

  • Check out Administrator Fugate’s recent interview with National Public radio, talking about the high volume of recent disasters and FEMA’s role,
  • Our multimedia and photo libraries have the latest images and video from our ongoing disaster recovery efforts.

National Hurricane Preparedness Week
In addition to the disaster updates this week on the blog, we’ve also been emphasizing getting prepared for hurricane season, which starts June 1. Check out this week’s blog posts on hurricane preparedness listed below, and be sure to visit for more information on getting prepared for severe tropical weather.

- Day 1: What we’re doing to prepare
- Day 2: Storm surge
- Day 3: Wind danger
- Day 4: Inland flooding
- Day 5: The team effort
- Day 6: Make a plan

Last Updated: 
06/21/2012 - 14:51