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Shipyard Employment eTool: Shipbuilding
General Requirements Shipbuilding Ship Repair Shipbreaking Barge Cleaning

Shipyard Employment ยป Shipbuilding

Shipbuilding activities are some of the most hazardous shipyard operations. There are multiple types of construction which may include modular construction, traditional construction (from keel up), and fiberglass/composite material mold construction. Shipbuilding includes constructing, assembling, installing, cleaning, painting, outfitting, and testing. Hazards include exposure to toxic substances, hazardous atmospheres, electrocution, falls, fires, and explosions. These hazards can be eliminated or minimized through use of an effective safety and health program.

Hot Work Surface Prep Painting Machinery and Piping Systems Ladders Access Access Working Conditions Working Conditions Electrical Electrical PPE PPE Tools Tools Materials Handling Materials Handling Confined Space Entry Cleaning Scaffolds (Staging) Confined Space Entry Hot Work Painting Cleaning Surface Preparation Machinery Space Scaffolds (Staging) Ladders Fire Protection Fire Protection

The following modules have been adapted specifically to shipbuilding:

The following modules are common to both shipbuilding and ship repair: Additional Resources:

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