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National Disaster Recovery Framework Stakeholder Forums Continue in Kansas & Utah


To kick off the New Year, we hosted the second and third National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) Stakeholder Forums in Kansas and Utah. Both NDRF Stakeholder Forums received excellent participation and continued the development, collaboration, and implementation of the key concepts of the NDRF, which was launched in September 2010. The first forum was held in New Orleans in December 2011.

Nearly 300 stakeholders participated in the forum in Kansas and more than 250 leaders attended the forum in Utah. In Salt Lake City, UT we partnered with the Utah Emergency Management Association's annual conference and the participation of such a broad audience furthered the discussion on how the key concepts of the NDRF can be used to not only drive recovery efforts in a community after a disaster, but also through pre-disaster recovery planning.

The NDRF is a tool that outlines how disaster recovery is supported and organized across the nation, and builds on scalable, flexible, and adaptable coordinating structures to align key roles and responsibilities, linking state, local, tribal and territorial governments, the federal government, private sector, individuals, and voluntary, faith-based, disability and community organizations – all who play vital roles in community-based recovery.

The NDRF Stakeholder Forums provide a valuable opportunity for us to engage communities and to listen to our partners in their home states and home towns. In every forum we affirm the principles of the NDRF and use input from the community and stakeholders to find innovative ways to support successful recovery, and to increase community resiliency and sustainability.

Additional forums are scheduled in Harrisburg, PA on January 31st and in Boston, MA on February 2nd. Visit our NDRF web page for further information and a list of the remaining upcoming NDRF Stakeholder Forums.

Last Updated: 
06/17/2012 - 13:45

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