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Agriculture is a thriving and vibrant industry in the Mid-Atlantic Region. EPA’s mission to protect human health and the environment extends to many activities of our daily life, and agriculture is no exception. Serving great benefits to our economy, it also has negative impacts on the environment. 

What are the issues?

Some of the negative impacts from agricultural production are contamination of surface waters from surface runoff from eroding fields carrying nutrients, sediments, toxic pollutants, fertilizers, pesticides and livestock waste from animal feeding operations. Improper agricultural practices can also add to the problem. Livestock waste from animal feeding operations and associated spray fields can impair water quality and create odor problems. The discharge of these pollutants can cause impacts to both water quality and public health, contaminating drinking water supplies and causing fish kills.

Lancaster FarmClick for Agriculture Partners

Farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania courtesy of USDA

The Mid-Atlantic Region is committed to reducing or eliminating any adverse effects from agricultural practices.  This is achieved through the effective implementation of agency programs and innovative initiatives. The successful implementation of the programs and initiatives would not be possible without strong collaboration with other partners at the federal, state, and local levels, non-government organizations, and corporate stewards.

What can you do?

For more information on the Mid-Atlantic Region's work in the agriculture sector,
contact the Region's agriculture advisor

Hank Zygmunt (zygmunt.hank@epa.gov)

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