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Planning for your pets


Disasters can happen in a flash, so it's important to think about your entire family's safety - including your pet's - before an emergency occurs.  Deputy Administrator Serino said it best in this video (along with his cute canine friend), originally done to highlight Pet Preparedness Day 2010:

As a pet owner, one of the easiest things you can do is to put together a kit that includes food, water, medications, treats and other necessary items for your pet's disaster kit.

And since pets are considered members of our families, be sure to include your pet in your family's emergency plan.  This may include having an emergency contact that could take your pet in for a short period of time and knowing what pet-friendly shelters are available if you and your pets have to evacuate.

Visit for more tips on keeping your pets safe before, during, and after a disaster, including:

  • Talking to your pet's veterinarian about emergency planning,
  • Locating hotels and motels that are pet friendly,
  • Having enough basic supplies for every individual and pet to survive for at least three days, and
  • Creating a evacuation plan for you, your family, and your pet.

Other links
- A great place to locate shelters for pets is at Go Pet Friendly.

Last Updated: 
06/16/2012 - 13:48

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