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What We’re Watching: 11/18/11

Published by: Public Affairs

At the end of each week, we post a "What We’re Watching" blog as we look ahead to the weekend and recap events from the week. We encourage you to share it with your friends and family, and have a safe weekend.

Severe Weather Outlook

This weekend, the National Weather Service predicts severe drought conditions to continue through the weekend in parts of the Central and Southern Great Plains. Below average temperatures with a possibility for snow are expected in the Pacific Northwest and Northern Plains throughout the weekend.

With the official start of winter (December 21) approaching and cold weather expected this weekend, we want to encourage you and your family to prepare for the winter months by taking some steps this weekend to get prepared:

  • Be sure to update your family's emergency supply kit and add items such as snow shovels, extra blankets, rock salt (or more environmentally safe products) to melt ice on walkways, and appropriate clothing (i.e., hat, gloves, and scarf).
  • Have an emergency kit in your car in the event you are stranded by a blizzard or traffic jam. Be sure to include items you would need to stay warm and comfortable.
  • Make a family communications plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to know how you will contact one another, how you will get back together and what you will do in case of an emergency.
  • Maintain your heating equipment and chimneys by having them cleaned and inspected every year, so if you’re overdue, schedule an appointment.
  • Learn how to shut off water valves (in case a pipe bursts).

FEMA Think Tank

Earlier this week, Deputy Administrator Rich Serino announced the FEMA Think Tank, which is a new initiative to allow the public to offer their input on how we can improve all aspects of emergency management.

The FEMA Think Tank has two components:

  • An online forum where anyone can submit your own ideas, comment and vote on others, and participate in conversations meant to generate creative solutions.
  • Monthly conference calls. Each month, we will discuss three to four ideas generated from the online forum that address improving emergency management at the federal level. The individuals that submitted these ideas will personally brief their idea to FEMA officials.

We encourage you to utilize this tool to help improve emergency management and encourage your family, friends, and colleagues to participate.

Careers at FEMA

FEMA is always looking for highly motivated people interested in a rewarding career in emergency management. Here are a few open positions with the agency:

Visit our Careers page to watch testimonials from employees, learn more about FEMA, and browse through other opportunities that are available.

Last Updated: 
06/18/2012 - 14:40