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Science Podcasts

Science Works

Science Works is a podcast series that describes the role EPA plays in advancing scientific research. The following podcasts highlight the ways that EPA uses science to inform regulatory policy and protect human health and the environment.

EPA Sponsors Student Sustainable Design Competition

Listen to the fourth podcast in our Science Works series, and learn how every year, EPA sponsors the P3 student design competition. P3 stands for People, Prosperity and the Planet, and students from any U.S. college or university can participate.
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EPA Funds Development of Laser-Based Carbon Dioxide Sensor

Listen to the third podcast in our Science Works series, and learn how a small business called Bridger Photonics is developing a handheld sensor for the remote detection of carbon dioxide.

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Small Business Grows Green Alternative to Styrofoam

Listen to the second podcast in our Science Works series, and learn how a small business called Ecovative Design is developing an environmentally-friendly foam that could replace polystyrene in packaging and construction materials.

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Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program Overview

Listen to the first podcast in our Science Works series, and learn how EPA's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program funds the development of new environmental technologies.

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