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There’s an App for That


Here’s a short video from Administrator Fugate announcing the FEMA App is now available for Apple devices:

After we launched the App for Android devices, we received feedback from users and have made some updates to the version for Apple devices. One of the things that people said is that the popup box in the map section was cumbersome on a phone’s small screen, so we:

  • Moved the disclaimer language to its own page so users can interact better with the map.
  • Gave users the opportunity to choose between the Map view and the List view, whereas before, the App took the user directly into the Map view first. We made this change, because the List view loads faster, so if you’re in an area where you don’t have a strong wireless signal, the list view option is for you.

We’re making the same changes to the Android version and we’ll be publishing an update this week.

When we launched the App for Android devices in August, we were monitoring Hurricane Irene as it threatened the East Coast and today we’re monitoring Tropical Storm Rina in the Caribbean. It’s a good reminder that we are still in hurricane season and that everyone should have an emergency kit and a family emergency plan, and I’m proud to say that Apple devices have an App to help you do just that.

So download the App today (Android; Apple) and let us know what you think by leaving a comment below or in the iTunes Store or Android Marketplace.

Last Updated: 
06/16/2012 - 14:21