The 2009 North American Waterfowl Management Plan Annual Awards.

The North American Waterfowl Management Plan (Plan) is implemented through long-term partnerships of government agencies, nongovernmental organizations, and individuals committed to the conservation of North American waterfowl, other wetland-associated migratory bird populations and their wetlands habitats. The success of the Plan is directly related to the contributions of these dedicated partners, both short- and long-term. Some partners’ efforts have spanned a decade or more, while others have contributed to the Plan’s success through short-term actions. 

To give recognition to their work, the North American Waterfowl Management Plan Committee invites you to nominate a Plan partner to receive one of its two prestigious awards. These awards are conferred on an annual basis on deserving nominees who meet the following criteria. All nomination forms must be received by Jorge Coppen (, NAWMP Coordinator, by March 12, 2010.

Introducing the new National Blue-winged Teal Award. On August 27, 2009 the Plan Committee decided to replace the National Great Blue Heron award with a new national-level award featuring a waterfowl species that transcends political boundaries on the continent. In recognition that Blue-winged Teal range across all of North America, the Plan Committee selected this species to represent a national award useful across NAWMP signatory countries.

Donate to the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Account !

The funds you donate will go directly to projects that conserve and protect migratory birds and their habitats throughout the Western Hemisphere. From Alaska to Argentina, grants program partners are engaged in high-priority conservation projects involving bird population management, habitat restoration and protection, environmental education, research, and more.

Partners match grants dollars 3 to 1, making your donation to the program go three times as far. Talk to your tax advisor about making a contribution to support the program—it may be deductible. It will definitely help the birds.

The Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (Section 9.d) authorizes the acceptance and use of donations to help support the program. Each donor will receive a written acknowledgment of their contribution. For more information, contact Doug Ryan, Program Coordinator, at 703-358-1784 or via email at

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Last updated: December 5, 2011