Army Strong Videos

Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

Greater Responsibilities

Soldiers in the Army ROTC Nurse program talks about: their experiences, advantages over civilian world (more intensive) what happens after graduating the ROTC program and joining the Army Nurse Corps. "Right after graduating and receiving ...

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Greater Responsibilities

Soldiers in the Army ROTC Nurse program talks about: their experiences, advantages over civilian world (more intensive) what happens after graduating the ROTC program and joining the Army Nurse Corps. "Right after graduating and receiving ...

Right after graduating and receiving your commission from ROTC and becoming a second lieutenant you are then stationed to a medical facility. Once they graduate and come here as new lieutenants in the Army nurse school, the great thing that I see is somebody being able to fulfill what they've spent years training for.
You are very involved in the patient continuity of care, so you're definitely having to coordinate with social workers, physicians, patients and patients' families. As a second lieutenant, I'll be a staff nurse on the floor caring for normal patient load. But in three to six months, I'll be taking on charge nurse position where I'll be in charge and taking care of all the patients on the floor, which is a big responsibility you wouldn't get anywhere else but in the military.
These people don't do this in a vacuum. We set up our lieutenants to succeed. It's we're going to put you in this position, were going to give you the resources you need and if you don't you need to ask for that and then were going to watch you shine.
It's an exciting experience and it's something that outside the military you wouldn't gain for about 5-6 years. I look at the nursing students and I say this. Have you considered joining Army ROTC and let me tell you why. You can get money for your school right now so you don't have to worry about that. We're going to give you training earlier on than you are ever going to get in a civilian hospital. We're going to make you be a med surge nurse for a year. And that's the best thing you could ever have happen to you.
Within a year or two we give you a specialty-training program that's going to be more intensive than any civilian program's going to give you. When you finish with that program you are going to be an ICU nurse, and ER nurse, OB Psych, labor and delivery nurse.
So why not pick the organization that is going to train you up faster and harder then anybody else and give you more career opportunities than you'd get in the civilian world. You can go airborne, you can go air assault, you can use that also with nursing and become a flight nurse. So really there is a lot of programs I would definitely say go for it. We are molding the health care nurses of tomorrow, today.
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