Parts and Chapters


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 1 08/17/05 Indian Health Service Manual System TN's: OMS/MPICS
Chapter 3 01/12/76 Indian Health Program TN's: OMS
Chapter 4 07/02/97 Organization of the Service TN's: OMS/MPICS
Chapter 5 11/22/96 Delegations of Authority TN's: OMS/MPICS
Chapter 6 04/08/83 Program Administration TN's: OPHS
Chapter 7 05/06/87 Research Activities TN's: OPHS
Chapter 8 09/09/94 Managing the Workers Compensation Program TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 9 09/09/94 Occupational Health & Safety Management Program TN's: OEHE/DEHS
Chapter 10 03/04/68 Emergency Operation of IHS Field Activities TN's: OCPS/ES
Chapter 11 03/17/81 Authorized Dollar Thresholds-PL 93-638 Contracts & Grants by Area TN's: OTP
Chapter 12 04/17/91 IHS Employee Immunization Program TN's: OCPS/DCCS


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 1 01/28/83 Indians TN's: OPHS
Chapter 2 11/02/67 Payment for Services TN's: OPHS
Chapter 3 05/08/08 Contract Health Services TN's: ORAP
Chapter 4 09/23/05 Other Beneficiaries TN's: OPHS
Chapter 5 12/18/74 Health Services for Indian/Alaska Native Adv Students TN's: OPHS
Chapter 6 10/06/94 Patient Registration TN's: ORAP
Chapter 7 09/16/08 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Privacy Rule and the Privacy Act TN's: OMS/DRA


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 1 11/19/08 Medical Credentials and Privileges Review Process TN's: OCPS
Chapter 2 02/25/92 Dental TN's: OCPS/DOH
Chapter 3 07/22/10 Health Information Management TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 4 07/15/94 Nursing TN's: OCPS/DNS
Chapter 5 10/11/96 Nutrition TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 6 05/19/88 Laboratory Services TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 7 06/26/95 Pharmacy TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 8 07/19/93 Social Work Service TN's: OCPS/DBH
Chapter 9 09/08/00 Eye Care Program TN's: OCPS
Chapter 10 11/28/67 Preventive Health TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 11 09/30/85 Environmental Health TN's: OEHE
Chapter 12 10/06/80 Health Education TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 13 03/20/92 Maternal and Child Health TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 14 07/19/93 Mental Health Programs TN's: OCPS/DBH
Chapter 15 01/05/73 Physical Rehabilitation Services TN's: OCPS/DCCS
Chapter 16 04/24/91 Community Health Representative Program TN's: OCPS/DNS
Chapter 17 07/31/00 Emergency Medical Services TN's: OCPS/ES
Chapter 18 05/22/91 Alcoholism/Substance Abuse Program TN's: OCPS/DBH
Chapter 19 09/14/94 Urban Indian Health Program TN's: OD/OUIHP
Chapter 21 06/30/94 Medical Imaging TN's: OCPS
Chapter 22 12/29/95 Anesthesia Program TN's: OCPS
Chapter 23 08/05/04 Ethical and Professional Conduct of Health Care Providers TN's: OCPS
Chapter 24 09/23/04 Final Document Stamp/Seal Requirements TN's: OEHE
Chapter 25 01/04/05 Guidelines for Withholding CPR TN's: OCPS
Chapter 26 01/04/05 Patient Self-Determination & Advance Directives TN's: OCPS
Chapter 27 07/20/06 Controlling Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Drugs TN's: OCPS
Chapter 28 01/21/09 Physicians Assistants TN's: OCPS
Chapter 29 03/23/11 Sexual Assault TN's: OCPS


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 2 06/07/89 Medical Facilities and Patient Management TN's: OCPS
Chapter 3 02/15/82 Program Analysis Reports & Stats TN's: OPHS
Chapter 4 10/11/77 Program Planning for IHS TN's: OPHS
Chapter 5 10/27/72 Office of Tribal Affairs TN's: OD/OTP
Chapter 6   Training Superseded by IHM 7-4 . OMS


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 1 11/21/05 Third-Party Revenue Accounts Management and Internal Controls TN's: ORAP/DBOE
Chapter 2 09/14/07 Memorandum of Agreement TN's: OEHE/DSFC
Chapter 5 06/13/96 Acquisition Management TN's: OMS/DAP
Chapter 6   Supply Management is under revision TN's: OMS/DAS
Chapter 8 10/08/98 Travel TN's: OFA/DFO
Chapter 10 06/22/92 Housekeeping and Linen Service TN's: OCPS
Chapter 12 10/07/10 Personal Property TN's: OMS/DAS
Chapter 13 10/20/89 Quarters Management Program TN's: OEHE/DFO
Chapter 14 09/18/87 Bio-Medical Engineering TN's: OEHE/DFO
Chapter 15 07/08/97 Records Management TN's: OMS/DAS
Chapter 16 09/22/09 Management Control Systems TN's: OMS/MPICS
Chapter 19 10/01/95 Grants and Cooperative Agreements TN's: OMS/GPS
Chapter 20 01/22/01 Health Professions Support TN's: OPHS/DHPS
Chapter 21 02/13/06 Diversity Management and Equal Employment Opportunity TN's: OD/DMEEOS
Chapter 22 N/A This chapter (Program Integrity and Ethics) is in the process of revision TN's: OMS/PIES
Chapter 23 08/28/03 Government-Wide Commercial Purchasing Card TN's: OMS/DAP
Chapter 24 07/16/04 Forms TN's: OMS/DAS


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 1 11/24/99 Internal Agency Procedures

Due to the size if the following 3 documents, opening them may take time.

Internal Agency Procedures Handbook for Non-construction Contracting Under Title I of the ISDEAA [PDF-987KB]

DOI/HHS Internal Agency Procedures Handbook [PDF-3.5MB]

Personnel Aspects of the ISDEAA, Public Law 93-638 Handbook [PDF-20MB]

Chapter 3 04/06/07 Contract Support Costs TN's: OD/OTP
Chapter 4 05/04/09 New or Restored Federally Recognized Tribes TN's: OD/OTP


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 1 12/15/08 Excepted Service Examining Plan TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 2 12/15/08 Merit Promotion Plan TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 3 12/22/08 Indian Preference TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 4 04/19/99 Human Resource and Organization Development TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 5 03/14/02 Administrative Grievance System TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 6 05/15/98 Flexible Workplace Arrangements Program TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 7 03/25/12 Performance Management Appraisal Program TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 8 04/27/09 Recruitment, Relocation, and Retention Incentives TN's: OMS/DHR
Chapter 9 11/16/09 Two-Year Rule TN's: OMS/DCPS


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 1 08/06/03 Chief Information Officer TN's: OIT
Chapter 2 07/28/06 Information Systems Advisory Committee Charter TN's: OIT
Chapter 3 08/06/03 Information Resources Mgmt Planning TN's: OIT
Chapter 4 08/06/03 Capital Planning & Investment Control TN's: OIT
Chapter 5 08/06/03 Conducting IT Alternative Analysis TN's: OIT
Chapter 6 04/07/06 Limited Personal Use of IT Resources TN's: OIT
Chapter 7 08/06/03 Use of Broadcast Messages, Spamming & Targeted Audiences TN's: OIT
Chapter 8 08/06/03 IT Security for Remote Access TN's: OIT
Chapter 9 08/06/03 Establishing an Incident Response Capability TN's: OIT
Chapter 10 08/06/03 Prevention, Detection, Removal, & Reporting of Malicious Software TN's: OIT
Chapter 11 08/06/03 Use of Persistent Cookies TN's: OIT
Chapter 12 08/06/03 IT Security TN's: OIT
Chapter 13 11/03/08 Internal Use Software TN's: OIT
Chapter 15 06/12/08 Network Interconnection TN's: OIT
Chapter 16 06/05/08 Internet Domain and Webhosting TN's: OIT
Chapter 17 12/09/09 Agency-Issued Cellular Telephones, BlackBerry® Smartphones, and Personal Digital Assistant Devices TN's: OIT
Chapter 18 05/01/09 Encryption TN's: OIT
Chapter 19 01/14/10 Least Privilege TN's: OIT


Chapter Date Chapter Title TN Responsible Office
Chapter 4 12/13/07 Debt Management TN's: OFA
Chapter 5 08/14/11 Journal Vouchers TN's: OFA
Chapter 6 03/05/12 Assisted Acquisitions TN's: OMS

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