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    What benefit is an AARTS transcript?

    • Saves time and money:  Based on a survey conducted by the American Council on Education (ACE).  This saves tuition dollars and classroom time.
    • Provides a description of military schooling and work history in civilian language.
    • Serves as a counseling tool for academic and career counselors in advising Soldiers and Veterans.
    • Serves as an aid in preparing resumes and explaining Army work experience to civilian employers.

    How much does an AARTS transcript cost?
    The AARTS transcript is provided free of charge.

    How often should I request an AARTS transcript?
    We recommend that you review your transcript at least once a year unless you have recently experienced some type of change (promotion, course completion, etc.)  You should wait two months from the date of change, for your transcript to update.

    Should I send a copy of my college transcript to AARTS?
    No. Civilian Education Levels are no longer displayed on the AARTS transcript and college courses are not included. For those reasons, your education documents should not be forwarded to AARTS. Personal documents that are sent to AARTS will be destroyed.

    Will my training and experience while I was enlisted with other services (i.e., Air Force, Navy, Marines) be included on my AARTS transcript?
    Unfortunately, no.  Other services do not report information to the AARTS database.  You can receive credit for time with other services by supplementing your AARTS transcript with a DD Form 295 (Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service) or DD Form 214 ( Certificate of Release or Discharge From Active Duty).  Contact your Veteran Affairs Office at your college for more information. For completed training from the Air Force CCAF, you must request an official transcript from the school.

    Why does my course/MOS say "PENDING EVALUATION?"  When will it  be evaluated?
    All course and MOS evaluations are provided by ACE.  When new courses/MOSs are created by the Army, ACE needs time to evaluate them.  The same is true for existing courses/MOSs that experience significant changes.  The amount of time required is dependent upon the timely submission of documents by the Army to ACE for their evaluation.

    I took an Army course two years ago.  Why isn't it on my transcript?
    All course information is sent to AARTS by the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) on a monthly basis.  Each individual school is responsible for annotating the ATRRS system when a Soldier graduates from a course.  If you are missing a course you completed more than two months ago, please refer to our Corrections page to see how to add it to your transcript.

    Why isn't my correspondence course evaluated?
    Correspondence courses are not evaluated by ACE because they do not have a proctored end-of-course exam.  Whether or not your institution will award credit for a correspondence course is up to them.

    I am a Warrant or Commissioned Officer.  Can I get an AARTS transcript?
    The AARTS program was originally intended for enlisted Soldiers and retains data that is consistent with enlisted and NCO military training only. The completion of any Officer training (WOC, OCS, Green to Gold, BOLC, etc) to include Officer's rank will not be annotated and/or updated on a Soldier's AARTS transcript. Officers and Veterans are encouraged to complete an Application for the Evaluation of Learning Experiences During Military Service (DD Form 295) to properly validate Officer training and/or any missing enlisted training. The DD295 must be certified before submitting to the institution of your choice for consideration of college credit. The Education Services Officer (ESO) and/or counselors at your local military Education Center are available to assist you in completing the DD295 form.

    My BASD/PEBD is before October 1, 1981.  How can I get credit for my Army Training?
    If you are a Veteran, and you do have an AARTS record in our system; you should submit the most current copy of your AARTS, a copy of your certified DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Service, along with a completed DD Form 295 directly to your school.

    If you are a Veteran, and you do not have an AARTS record in our system, and if your Basic Active Service Date (BASD) is before 1 October 1981; you should submit your certified DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Service, along with a completed DD Form 295 directly to your school so that they may award you credits based on the recommendations outlined in the ACE Guide to Learning Experiences.

    Why am I getting an error message that begins "SOLDIER NOT FOUND..." when I request a transcript?
    Several things may produce errors when requesting an AARTS transcript. The most common reason is the requested data you supplied on the online transcript request form was typed incorrectly. Other reasons may involve data entry errors or changes to your data within the database due to personnel actions (i.e., re-enlistment, PCS, discharge, etc.) The Integrated Total Army Personnel Data Base (ITAPDB) is maintained and updated by your unit Personnel Officer/S1. The AARTS database is updated from ITAPDB. Your Personnel Officer/S-1 will be able to verify your data and/or make the necessary corrections so that you will be able to access your transcripts.

    When I look at the course and MOS lists, there are missing courses and/or MOS's.
    Detailed information and instructions for correcting your database record may be found on the Corrections page of the main AARTS web site.

    Can I take the "Personal" copy of my transcript to a college or institution for credit?
    No.  This is an UNOFFICIAL transcript, intended for your personal information and use only!  Colleges and other institutions have been instructed to ONLY accept AARTS transcripts titled "INSTITUTIONAL COPY."

    How do I get an official AARTS transcript?
    Upon request by a soldier or Veteran, Official AARTS transcripts are electronically sent directly to the college or institution. Paper copies are no longer used. Click the "Official Transcript" link on the left sidebar of this site.

    Where can I view the recommended ACE Credit recommendations for Army Courses and MOS's?
    ACE Guides for Army (and other services) Courses and MOS groups are available at http://www.acenet.edu/.  These guides provide ACE descriptions and recommendation for all EVALUATED military courses and occupation codes.

    How do I print my personal transcript?
    When you are viewing your personal transcript, you may use your browser's 'Print' button or menu option to print the AARTS transcript page.  If you want the printed copy to appear similar to the  AARTS transcript sent from the AARTS office, select the 'Printer Friendly Version' link at the top of the page FIRST.

    How do I check the status of my transcript request?
    Visit the AARTS home page and click on the link "Transcript Status."  Please be sure to allow a maximum of 30 days before contacting the AARTS Operations Center regarding your transcript request.

    Department of the Army Logo GILS Registration Number: 61787

    Last Updated: July 20, 2011
    American Council on Education Logo