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Comprehensive Smoke-Free Air

Creating Smoke-Free Policies for Affordable Housing in California [PDF–262KB]

Fact sheet that explains how to work with key players to establish smoke-free policies for workforce housing.

Developing a Tobacco-Free Campus Policy

Webinar describes how to create effective campus-wide tobacco-free policies.

Investing in Health: Proven Health Promotion Practices for Workplaces

Provides workplaces with tools to increase physical health of employees and other ways to increase health and productivity.

Model Ordinance Prohibiting Smoking in All Workplaces and Public Places (100% Smokefree) [PDF–75KB]

Model ordinance for a comprehensive smoke-free air ordinance for municipalities and businesses across the United States.

Model Policy for a Smokefree University [PDF–195KB]

Model smoke-free policy for a university, including language on the harmful effects of smoke.

Model Policy for a Tobacco-free Environment in Minnesota's K-12 Schools [PDF–427KB]

Model policy for K-12 school districts that want to adopt a policy prohibiting tobacco products and advertisements on campus.

Model Smoke-Free Beaches Ordinance

Offers a model ordinance for cities and counties to limit exposure to secondhand smoke and limit tobacco use on beaches.

Model Smoke-Free Housing Ordinance

Offers a model ordinance for cities and counties to limit exposure to secondhand smoke in multiunit residences.

Model Smoke-Free Outdoor Areas Ordinance

Offers a model ordinance for cities and counties to limit tobacco use and unwanted exposure to secondhand smoke in outdoor areas.

Model Smoke-Free Recreational Areas Ordinance

Offers a model ordinance for cities and counties to limit exposure to secondhand smoke and limit tobacco use in recreational areas such as parks, playgrounds, and sports fields.

Model Tobacco-Free or Smoke-Free Event Policy

Offers a model policy to help organizations limit tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke at events they sponsor, produce, or operate.

Smoke-Free Laws Do Not Harm Business at Restaurants and Bars [PDF–269KB]

Resource brief makes the case and provides the evidence showing that businesses are not negatively impacted by smoke-free laws.

Smoke-Free Multiunit Housing

Webinar that offers an overview of the facts, figures, and trends associated with secondhand smoke exposure and multiunit housing, and shares the view of how research and policy can inform advocacy efforts and action plans.

Smoke-Free Policies: Establishing a Smoke-Free Ordinance to Reduce Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in Indoor Worksites and Public Places: An Action Guide

Assists public health practitioners, advocates, policy makers, business leaders, and others by translating evidence-based tobacco control policies into implementation guidance.

Tobacco Prevention Policy Tool

Showcases policy strategies that support prevention of youth tobacco initiation, reduction in secondhand smoke exposure, and access to quitlines and cessation services.

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Smoke-Free Multiunit Housing

Building Your Smoke-Free Housing Program

Webinar explains how to create materials to gain support and help implement a smoke-free housing program.

Creating Smoke-Free Policies for Affordable Housing in California [PDF–262KB]

Fact sheet that explains how to work with key players to establish smoke-free policies for workforce housing.

Getting to Know the Multi-Housing Industry

Webinar shows practitioners how to assess a community's housing stock and plan a course of action for creating a smoke-free housing program focused on multi-unit housing.

How Disability Laws Can Help Tenants Suffering from Drifting Tobacco Smoke [PDF–404KB]

Reviews disability laws and explains how to request reasonable accommodation for a medical condition made worse by secondhand smoke.

How Landlords Can Prohibit Smoking in Rental Housing [PDF–183KB]

Describes how a landlord can make common areas nonsmoking and outlines the steps a landlord must follow to change a lease to make a unit smoke-free.

How to Make a Condo Complex Smoke-Free [PDF–716KB]

Answers common questions about how condo owners can make their entire complex, including individual units, smoke-free.

Legal Options for Tenants Suffering from Drifting Tobacco Smoke [PDF–288KB]

Outlines the necessary legal steps one could take if one reaches the point where a lawsuit seems to be the only option for combating drifting tobacco smoke.

Making a New Smoke-Free Housing Law Work [PDF–3.32MB]

Illustrates how different options may be used to enforce a smoke-free housing law and highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Making No-Smoking Policies Work in Tribal Housing

Webinar features stories from three tribal housing authorities who have successfully implemented no-smoking policies.

Model Smoke-Free Housing Ordinance

Offers a model ordinance for cities and counties to limit exposure to secondhand smoke in multiunit residences.

Options for Condo Owners Suffering from Drifting Secondhand Smoke [PDF–852KB]

Outlines six options for condo owners who want to avoid unwanted exposure to secondhand smoke at home.

Program Sustainability

Webinar provides information on smoke-free housing programs across the United States and offers tips on sustaining a program with limited resources.

Providing Cessation in Smoke-Free Buildings

Webinar explains how practitioners can help residents transition to a smoke-free housing environment with cessation programs and outreach.

Regulating Smoking in Multiunit Housing [PDF–431KB]

Policy brief provides benefits of making multiunit housing smoke-free and includes links to a number of existing policies.

Smoke-Free Multifamily Housing Toolkit for Public Housing Authorities and Owners/Management Agents [PDF–5.91MB]

Toolkit provides information and resources to help multifamily housing owners transition to smokefree housing.

Smoke-Free Multiunit Housing: Bringing Healthy Air Home [PDF–666KB]

Provides an online curriculum on how to implement a smoke-free policy in multiunit housing.

Strategies to Reach the Housing Industry

Webinar helps a practitioner plan a course of action for building relationships with multi-unit housing owners and making the case for joining a smoke-free housing program.

The Case for Smoke-Free Housing

Webinar describes the importance and benefits of adoption smoke-free housing policies.

Understanding Legal Issues

Webinar helps practitioners learn local, state, and federal laws about multi-unit housing and how they might be used in implementation of a smoke-free housing program.

Working with Property Owners/Managers to Adopt a Smoke-Free Policy

Webinar guides practitioners through the policy adoption process for a smoke-free housing policy.

Working with Renters Exposed to Secondhand Smoke

Webinar shows how practitioners can empower renters suffering from secondhand smoke with tools to create a healthier environment.

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Zoning and Licensing

Case Studies on the Implementation and Enforcement of Local Tobacco Retailer Licensing Ordinances in California [PDF–297KB]

Summarizes the key elements of four licensing programs and describes how they were tailored for the unique political climate and the particular capabilities and resources in each local agency.

Healthy Planning Guide [PDF–555KB]

Links the ways in which health risks are related to aspects of the built environment and outlines ways to ensure that neighborhoods are designed to support health equity and community well-being.

How to Build a Coalition [PDF–588KB]

Webinar that describes how the NYC Coalition for a Smoke-Free City was built and sustained over time.

License to Kill?: Tobacco Retailer Licensing as an Effective Enforcement Tool [PDF–385KB]

Resource describes existing regulations for tobacco retailers and offers innovative ways that local licensing laws could be expanded to further protect consumers, such as children, from tobacco products and advertising.

Matrix of Local Ordinances Restricting Tobacco Retailers Within a Certain Distance of Schools [PDF–307KB]

Lists 23 municipalities that have restricted tobacco retailers near schools and provides details about the ordinances.

Model Land Use Ordinance: Regulating the Locations and Operations of Tobacco Retailers

Provides a model ordinance that amends a jurisdiction's existing zoning code to regulate tobacco retailers.

Model Licensing Ordinance: Tobacco Retailer Licensing

Provides a model ordinance for cities and counties that want to require local tobacco retailer licensing to help ensure compliance with local business standards, reduce youth access to tobacco, and limit negative public health effects associated with tobacco use.

Municipal Authority to Regulate the Location and Operation of Tobacco Retailers [PDF–362KB]

Addresses how public health can be improved when local governments exercise their constitutional, statutory, and charter authority to regulate the uses of land within their jurisdictions to control tobacco retailing.

Regulating Tobacco Product Sampling

Provides a model ordinance to help cities and counties limit the free or low cost distribution of tobacco products, also known as “sampling.”

Selling Tobacco Products to Minors: The Cost of Enforcement and Guide for Tobacco Licensure Fees [PDF–246KB]

Identifies the personnel and other operating costs associated with enforcing laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to minors.

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Emerging Issues

Containing the Growth of Spending in the U.S. Health System [PDF–530KB]

Reviews data on health care spending growth, describes the reasons for the persistent high rates, and estimates the savings that could be gained with certain public policies.

Content-Neutral Advertising Laws [PDF–299KB]

Technical assistance brief for communities interested in implementing certain tobacco control measures.

Hookah Smoking: A Growing Threat to Public Health [PDF–1.34MB]

Policy brief defines the trend of hookah smoking and lists potential policies to control its use.

Matrix of Local Ordinances Restricting Tobacco Retailers Within a Certain Distance of Schools [PDF–307KB]

Lists 23 municipalities that have restricted tobacco retailers near schools and provides details about the ordinances.

Novel Non-Cigarette Tobacco Products: An Overview of Regulatory Options [PDF–377KB]

Resource includes facts about novel tobacco products and how they may or may not be regulated under FDA or local ordinances.

Policy Options for Restricting Tobacco Sampling and Couponing

Webinar describes the impact that marketing strategies have on tobacco products and consumption rates.

Regulating Flavored Tobacco Products [PDF–405KB]

Serves as a starting point for organizations interested in implementing certain tobacco control measures.

Regulating Non-Cigarette Tobacco Products More Effectively

Webinar describes types of non-cigarette tobacco advertisements that are not currently regulated.

Save Lives, Save Money: Make Your Business Smoke-Free [PDF–3.43MB]

Resource makes the case for the benefits of a smoke-free workplace and provides a guide for implementing a smoke-free policy.

Smoke-Free Laws Do Not Harm Business at Restaurants and Bars [PDF–268KB]

Resource brief makes the case and provides the evidence showing that businesses are not negatively impacted by smoke-free laws.

The Impact of Tobacco on the Environment: Cigarettes as Litter [PDF–349KB]

Fact sheet describes the negative effects of cigarette litter.

The New FDA Law: A Green Light for Tobacco Control? [PDF–266KB]

Lists the policy ideas that are affected by the 2009 FDA law and provides a chart to explain whether the suggested policies are legally safe to pursue and why.

Tips on Using The Verdict Is In: Findings from U.S. v. Philip Morris [PDF–345KB]

Fact sheet answers basic questions about the 2006 landmark tobacco ruling and present-day judicial decisions that could inform tobacco control strategies.

What Tobacco Products are Covered by the 2009 FDA Law? [PDF–338KB]

Explains that most portions of the 2009 FDA Law apply to only a few types of tobacco products and lists their restrictions.

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Pricing Strategies

Addressing Tobacco Pricing Policies: A Toolkit for Tobacco Control Program Managers

Offers tools to tobacco control program managers who want to reduce tobacco use by raising the cost of tobacco products.

Containing the Growth of Spending in the U.S. Health System [PDF–530KB]

Reviews data on health care spending growth, describes the reasons for the persistent high rates, and estimates the savings that could be gained with certain public policies.

Funding Prevention in California: Lessons from Past Efforts to Raise Revenues

Explores past efforts to limit the consumption of unhealthy beverages and tobacco use, and analyzes why particular measures passed or failed.

Pricing Strategies Toolkit

Online toolkit of essential resources for tobacco control program managers to create a statewide pricing strategies plan.

Selling Tobacco Products to Minors: The Cost of Enforcement and Guide for Tobacco Licensure Fees [PDF–246KB]

Identifies the personnel and other operating costs associated with enforcing laws prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to minors.

Smoke-Free Laws Do Not Harm Business at Restaurants and Bars [PDF–268KB]

Resource brief makes the case and provides the evidence showing that businesses are not negatively impacted by smoke-free laws.

Tobacco Coupon Regulations and Sampling Restrictions [PDF–506KB]

Resource offers brief overviews of pricing strategies that can affect tobacco use, including non-tax policy interventions.

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