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Resource Center

The Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) Online Resource Center provides a host of tools to support environmental changes that address obesity and tobacco use. These resources describe why environmental changes are at the heart of making healthy living easier, and how to execute them. Tools include webinars, model policies, tool kits, databases, fact sheets, and other practical materials. Resources are organized by the following content areas:

Close-up of No Smoking sign

Tobacco Use Prevention and Control

Offers guidance for reducing tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke in a variety of environments such as schools, bars, restaurants, colleges, medical campuses, multiunit housing, parks, and other outdoor areas.

Close-up photo of woman and girl swimming in pool

Obesity Prevention

Focuses on how to communicate effectively about obesity as a public health issue. Included are approaches for describing the environmental conditions that contribute to, and the costs associated with, the obesity epidemic. Resources to support healthy eating and active living strategies also are available.

Close–up of young Caucasian girl drinking from a milk carton

Nutrition and Food Systems

Provides approaches for improving access to affordable, healthy foods through community gardens, farmers' markets, healthy food incentives, farm-to-table programs, work-site nutrition policies, zoning and licensing, and other initiatives. Additionally, this section offers resources about forming partnerships with food providers, school districts, and other stakeholders.

African–American girl climbing on playground

Physical Activity and Built Environment

Focuses on how to foster environments that encourage physically active lifestyles. Included in this category is guidance on developing health impact assessments, zoning initiatives, master plans, Complete Streets, Safe Routes to School, and joint use agreements.

Three school girls of color in a cafeteria lunch line

Schools and Child Care

Offers guidance on how to address progressive wellness policies, joint use agreements, food procurement approaches, and guidelines for nutritional and physical activity standards in schools and child care settings.

African-American man showing children how to garden

Foundational Skills

Discusses the overarching skills and competencies that are critical to implementing successful environmental changes, regardless of the strategy or setting. Content areas include understanding the fundamentals of public health law; promoting health equity; engaging stakeholders; developing multi-sector partnerships; leveraging resources; and sustaining efforts over the long term.

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  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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    Communities Putting Prevention to Work

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