Is the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) a legitimate survey?

You may have concerns about giving your personal information to the Census Bureau’s Field Representative. Below are several ways to be sure that the survey and the interviewer contacting you are legitimate.

Consumer Expenditure Survey

The Consumer Expenditure Survey is an official government survey. The survey is conducted by the Census Bureau for the Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can learn more about the data and results from the Consumer Expenditure Survey.

CE Respondents Badge Graphic

Interviewer Official Identification

Anyone contacting you in person at your home regarding the Consumer Expenditure Survey will:

  1. Show their Census Bureau official identification badge which contains their photograph
  2. Be carrying a laptop computer labeled with the U. S. Census Bureau’s official seal
  3. Say the name of the survey
  4. Provide a copy of the letter you were sent about the survey

U.S. Census Bureau interviewers working on the Consumer Expenditure Survey will never ask for Social Security Numbers or bank account numbers.

Survey Letter

Before anyone contacts you about the Consumer Expenditure Survey, you may receive a letter from the Census Bureau Director telling you that a Census Bureau representative will visit you.

The letter will appear on official Census Bureau letterhead, and will include information for how to reach the Census Bureau Regional Office that serves your area.

CE Respondents Census Graphic

You can confirm the identity of a Census Employee

Please call your Census Bureau Regional Office if you would like to confirm the identity of anyone contacting you regarding the Consumer Expenditure Survey.

It is illegal for anyone to impersonate a Census Bureau Interviewer

It is a federal offense for anyone to pretend they work for the Census Bureau. Section 912 of Title 18, U.S. Code, states that anyone pretending to be a government employee shall be fined and/or imprisoned for up to three years.


If you have questions about how BLS uses the CE data, you can contact the CE at (202) 691-6900 or by email.

If you have questions about your participation in the CE Survey contact the nearest Census Bureau Regional Office that serves your area.



Last Modified Date: April 7, 2011