Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) Microdata Users' Workshop and Survey Methods Symposium, July 17-20, 2012

Welcome to the CE Microdata Users’ Workshop Webpage!

Thank You for a Highly Successful 2011 Workshop

This year we are having a one-day research symposium followed by the annual CE Microdata Users’ Workshop. The CE program hosted its first annual workshop in July 2006. Starting as a two-day event, the workshop was expanded to three days in 2009 to better suit the needs of attendees as expressed in feedback sessions held at the conclusion of each workshop. As always, you can select the days that you wish to attend.

July 17: The CE Survey Methods Symposium is a one-day event to share information about recent findings and new projects in the CE’s survey methods program. The morning sessions will provide an overview of current CE research projects, the status of the survey redesign, and redesign recommendations from the Committee on National Statistics Consensus Expert Panel (CNSTAT). The afternoon sessions will feature presentations from the Survey Redesign Panel on the survey redesign process undertaken by other large scale federal surveys. Presentations and discussions will be of interest to researchers and practitioners using or producing expenditure-related surveys.

July 18-20: The annual CE Microdata Users’ Workshop sessions are geared to microdata users of all levels of experience, from new and novice users to seasoned experts. Participants receive both "hands-on" instruction on how to compute results from the microdata, and attend presentations describing both methodology and results of recent research. In addition, the workshop features individual appointments for users of any experience level to discuss their project or proposal with knowledgeable CE staff members.

The symposium and workshop are free of charge to all attendees. The only requirement is to submit a completed registration form so that the organizers can better plan the events. Periodic updates on the workshop and symposium will be added in the future, along with links to papers presented at previous workshops. The final schedule (PDF) for the 2012 workshop is available online, along with a published report (PDF) on the 2011 workshop.

Please note that this website is open to your comment. If there is anything useful that you would like to see added to this page, please contact us.



Last Modified Date: July 18, 2012