Section 4, Part C - Utilities and Fuels for Owned and Rented Properties - Internet Service Expenses

Section 4, Part C collects expenditures on cable, satellite, and internet services for the household residence and other owned properties, including cable or satellite TV, satellite radio services, internet service provider, and internet services away from home such as web cafes or internet kiosks.

Now I am going to ask about cable and satellite TV service, satellite radio service, and internet service expenditures.

  1. Enter 1 to Continue

Since the first of the reference month, have you or any members of your household had any expenses for:

* Read each item on list:

  1. Cable or satellite TV, not already reported?
  2. Satellite radio services, not already reported?
  3. Internet connection or an internet service provider, not already reported?
  4. Internet services away from home such as web cafes or internet kiosks
  5. None/No more entries

For definitions Information Booklet »

What was the expense for?[enter text] _____________

In what month was the expense?[enter text] _____________

How much was this expense?/What is your monthly expense? [enter value] _____________

* Enter 'C' for a combined expense

  1. C
  2. Not combined

What internet service was the above expenses combined with?

* Enter all that apply, separate with commas.

  1. Cable or satellite TV services, not already reported
  2. Satellite radio services, not already reported
  3. Internet connection or an internet service provider, not already reported
  4. Internet services away from home such as web cafes or internet kiosks
  5. Misc. combined (unable to specify)

For definitions Information Booklet »

Did you have any other expenses for internet service?

  1. Yes
  2. No

End of Section 4C

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Last Modified Date: April 12, 2011