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Listen and watch to learn about pertussis symptoms, diagnosis, and prevention.

Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Sounds

People with the disease can cough violently and rapidly, over and over, until the air is gone from their lungs and they are forced to inhale with a loud "whooping" sound. Pertussis is worse for very young children. Also, it is important to know that not everyone with pertussis coughs or "whoops".

boy with pertussis


Mother holding infant

Recognizing and Preventing Whooping Cough (Pertussis)

  • English (3:28 minutes, Date Released: 9/15/2010)
  • en Español (3:33 minutes, Date Released: 9/9/2010)

A mother of two and epidemiologist with CDC discusses the symptoms of whooping cough (pertussis) and how to prevent it. She discusses the importance of getting everyone vaccinated, especially those who will have close contact with an infant.


Teen and adult

Pertussis, or Whooping Cough, Vaccine Recommendation for Adolescents
Listen To This Podcast (4:22 minutes, Date Released: 8/7/2008)

This podcast provides information on pertussis and the Tdap vaccine recommendations for adolescents.


CDC radio  image.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) PSA

  • English (0:30 minutes, Date Released: 9/15/2010)
  • en Español (0:30 minutes, Date Released: 9/9/2010)

This 30 second PSA encourages everyone to get vaccinated against whooping cough (pertussis), especially those who will have close contact with an infant.


Videos for Clinicians

CDC Expert Commentary - Pertussis Diagnosis: Avoid the Pitfalls of PCR


Man with pertussis.


CDC Expert Commentary - Pertussis Diagnosis: Avoid the Pitfalls of PCR

CDC Commentary: Pertussis — Tdap: Now for Pregnant Women and 65 Plus (4:11 minutes, Date Released: 10/31/2011)
An overview of the latest recommendations for giving Tdap to pregnant women and those 65 years and older.


CDC Expert Commentary - Pertussis Diagnosis: Avoid the Pitfalls of PCR

CDC Commentary - Pertussis Diagnosis: Avoid the Pitfalls of PCR (5:44 minutes, Date Released: 02/28/2011)
Learn how to optimize the use of PCR testing for pertussis by avoiding some of the more common pitfalls leading to inaccurate results.


Swab video.

Pertussis Testing Video: Collecting a Nasopharyngeal Swab Clinical Specimen (4:12 minutes, Date Released: 2/14/2011)
This video demonstrates proper techniques for collecting and transporting a pertussis clinical specimen obtained by swabbing the posterior nasopharynx.


Aspirate video.

Pertussis Testing Video: Collecting a Nasopharyngeal Aspirate Clinical Specimen (4:14 minutes, Date Released: 2/14/2011)
This video demonstrates proper techniques for collecting and transporting a pertussis clinical specimen from the posterior nasopharynx obtained by aspiration.


DC Commentary: With Pertussis on the Rise, Who Needs a Tdap Vaccination?

CDC Commentary: With Pertussis on the Rise, Who Needs a Tdap Vaccination? (3:44 minutes, Date Released: 7/2/2010)
A brief overview of who needs Tdap vaccine and when they can get it.


CDC Commentary: Pertussis -- Recognition and Treatment

CDC Commentary: Pertussis -- Recognition and Treatment (3:36 minutes, Date Released: 1/25/2010)
Are you up-to-date on the recognition and treatment of pertussis?


Also see:

Stethoscope and biology book.

Coughing up the Facts on Pertussis
Presentation on Emerging Trends and Vaccine Recommendations
Recorded webcast (59:21 minutes); slides and transcript also available.

Videos for Parents and Patients

Adult Immunizations Video

Adult Immunizations (3:59 minutes, Date Released: 8/13/2010)
The specific immunizations you need as an adult are determined by factors such as your age, lifestyle, high-risk conditions, type and locations of travel, and previous immunizations. Throughout your adult life, you need immunizations to get and maintain protection.


mother and baby

Get The Picture: Childhood Immunizations (6:27 minutes, Date Released: 4/13/2009)
After talking with parents across the country, CDC put together this short video to help answer the tough questions that real moms had about childhood immunizations. Understanding the importance of vaccines is crucial for you to protect your children’s health.


Baby with pertussis. Courtesy of the California Department of Health Services and Healthy Nevadans 2000, Nevada State Health Division.

Immunization Action Coalition Pertussis Videos (1:44 minutes)
The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) offers a variety of videos showing babies and children with pertussis.


Video - Jeff Gordon Joins the Fight Against Pertussis.

Jeff Gordon Joins the Fight Against Pertussis (0:60 minutes)
A 60 second PSA encouraging new and expectant parents to help protect their babies by making sure that anyone who is, or will be, in close contact with a young infant has been vaccinated against pertussis.


Counting on You video.

Counting on You (1:01 minutes, Date Released 9/16/2010)
If you're the parent of an 11 or 12 year old you need to know about preteen vaccines— Vaccines that can protect your preteen from meningitis, whooping cough and for girls, the virus that causes cervical cancer.

Also en Español


PKIDS video

Parents of Kids with Infectious Diseases (PKIDs)
PKIDs offers a variety of videos about pertussis, including one family's struggle.

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