• Sunset view of Glacier Bay and the surrounding Fairweather Mountains.

    Glacier Bay

    National Park & Preserve Alaska

Photos & Multimedia

Sunset at Bartlett Cove
Glacier Bay is a photographer's delight.
Glacier Bay rangers

Become a Glacier Bay expert!

Glacier Bay Ranger Minutes
Enjoy these exclusive videos and audio interviews on a wide range of fascinating topics. Bears, birds, glaciers, whales, wilderness, trip planning, etc.

Clear view on webcam

Glacier Bay Webcam
Enjoy the live view of the Inner Lagoon and Fairweather Range!


Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve throughout it's history has been viewed through many eyes in a variety of different ways. Each day brings a new understanding and a feeling of exploration even by those who have experienced this place for decades.

John Muir wrote, "I only went out for a walk, and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in."

We hope these images offer you a glimpse into this wild and expressive landscape, and encourages you to come to Glacier Bay for a walk, you may find yourself staying "out till sundown".


Did You Know?

Tour boat in Glacier Bay

There are no roads to Glacier Bay; you can reach the park only by air and water. Most visitors come to the park on large cruise ships. More...