• Sunset view of Glacier Bay and the surrounding Fairweather Mountains.

    Glacier Bay

    National Park & Preserve Alaska

For Kids

Glacier Bay coloring thumbnail

Glacier Bay Coloring Sheets
Make Your Own Masterpiece!


Kids love Glacier Bay!
There are millions of acres of mountains, waterways, glaciers, wildlife, history, and adventure to discover. If you can't actually visit the park, you can have fun and learn about this very special place by clicking on some of these links...

Junior Ranger with hat

A future park ranger!

Would you like to experience and learn more about Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve!

After all, there will be a time in the not-to-distant future when you will step in to take care of this park for future generations. Why not learn more now?

Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve is only one of over 385 parks nationwide. Each park takes care of an important part of our nation’s heritage. Many people who are rangers today came to love national parks by visiting them as kids. Will you be a National Park Service ranger some day?

Become a web ranger

Become A WebRanger!

Choose your adventure and explore our nation's National Parks. Earn rewards as you learn about your heritage.


Did You Know?

Glacier Bay has huge tides

The tidal fluctuations in Glacier Bay can be as high as 25 feet! Be sure to keep this in mind when you decide to enjoy an after-lunch nap on the beach during your next paddling adventure.