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Site Visits

Finding a time when key participants are available will take careful coordination with the workplace being visited.

A liaison at the worksite should be designated that can help identify staff availability and schedule times for employee interviews and an environmental assessment, particularly if the site visit assessment is being conducted by someone outside of the company.

Choose a liaison who is most closely involved in employee health and in a senior position within the company so they are able to coordinate access to all individuals the assessment team is interested in speaking with, arrange for access to observe the work environment, facilitate the collection of data, and be able to work with the assessment team to address any issues as they arise during the assessment process.

This liaison may be a current health coordinator, an occupational health nurse, or an employee in Human Resources.

It will be important to maintain close contact with this person to explain the types of individuals the assessment team would like to meet with and the types of things the team would like to observe at the worksite to make sure that the site visit is efficient and successful.

Planning for a site visit

  • Outline the goals and objectives of the site visit with the liaison. This allows time for the team to describe the impact workplace health programs can have on business objectives and operations especially if the business is unfamiliar with public health and health promotion practice
  • Taking the time to plan for a site visit allows the team to develop a good working relationship with the company liaison and begins to build trust. The trust developed will be important in getting open and honest answers to the questions the team will ask
  • Communicate with employees that will both be involved, as well as to staff who may not be involved but will be interested in knowing what the site visit is about, so that critical questions are answered before the site visit (e.g., questions concerning the purpose of the visit, who is visiting, the types of questions being asked and the reasons why)
  • Working closely with the company liaison, plan a detailed agenda in advance describing who will be interviewed, when the interviews will occur, when will an environmental assessment be conducted, who will accompany the team around the worksite, and the amount of time needed to brief or update senior leadership. It is helpful to build in some extra time to deal with any unexpected changes to the agenda
  • Work with the liaison to get as much background information on the company, the worksite (e.g., policies and procedures), an organizational chart, and any health-related data, before attending the site visit
  • If the assessment team is from outside the company, consider bringing information about the assessment team's organization to share with managers and employees
  • Discuss with the liaison, the expectations and plans for follow-up after the site visit 

Tips for successful site visits

The following “tip sheet” provides suggestions to help make a workplace site visit particularly successful.

Adapted from the CDC PORTALS (Project Officer Resources and Training for Accelerated Learning and Support) Program

A site visit should look to uncover the company’s existing efforts and future interest in workplace health programs. The two key components of site visits are

  1. Interviews with management and employees
  2. Assessing the worksite environment
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