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About Characterization and Monitoring

Characterization and Monitoring is part of EPA' Environmental Sciences program and consists of a diversified group of scientists and support personnel. Characterization and Monitoring supports the EPA's mission by providing research, development, and expertise across a wide range of disciplines focusing on technologies (equipment and techniques) that contribute to cost effective environmental data acquisition and interpretation required to address environmental issues. The broad scope of this mission encompasses all stages of the experimental and measurement process including:

These efforts focus on the measurement and evaluation of contamination in various media, with current emphasis on soils, sediments, and ground water.

In addition to the basic and applied research programs described, Characterization and Monitoring, under the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program, actively seeks out new technologies to evaluate their performance under the most realistic conditions possible with the goal of providing a non-biased assessment of each technology's capability. It also provides Superfund support to EPA's Remedial Project Managers (RPMs) and On-Scene Coordinators (OSCs) through the Superfund Technical Support Center (TSC) for Monitoring and Site Characterization.

The diversity of expertise available through our TSC allows us to work with the RPMs and OSCs throughout a site characterization event from planning and design through analysis and data interpretation.

In addition to research and development activities, we manage the following programs:

Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE)

Technology Support Center (TSC)

Environmental Geophysics 



Characterization and Monitoring Home Page
Environmental Sciences | Research & Development
National Exposure Research Laboratory
Send questions or comments to Steve Gardner
Email: gardner.steve@epa.gov

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