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Health Topics Addressed

Woman in TV studio holding clipboard Several studies have reviewed the leading physical and mental health conditions in terms of direct medical costs and lost productivity to U.S employers including several chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease), depression, and musculoskeletal disorders (e.g., back pain).1-2 With workers in America today spending more than one-third of their day on the job, employers are in a unique position to promote the health and safety of their employees. The use of effective workplace programs and policies can reduce health risks and improve the quality of life for the 138 million workers in the United States.3

The workplace provides many opportunities for promoting health and preventing disease and injury. Workplace health programs have the potential to influence social norms, establish health policies, promote healthy behaviors, improve employees’ health knowledge and skills, help employees get necessary health screenings, immunizations, and follow-up care, and reduce their on-the-job exposure to substances and hazards that can cause diseases and injury.

Potential interventions to be implemented and evaluation measures are described for many of the leading health topic concerns below. Each of these topics includes public health and clinical evidenced-based examples from the entire spectrum of opportunities to support workplace health promotion. Select any of these topics for in-depth discussion of topic-specific interventions and evaluation measures.

Health Topic
Implementation Strategies
Health Behaviors
Alcohol & Substance Misuse View View
Nutrition View View
Physical Activity View View
Tobacco Use View View
Health Screening
Blood Pressure View View
Obesity (BMI) View View
Cancer-Breast View View
Cancer-Cervical View View
Cancer-Colorectal View View
Cholesterol View View
Type 2 Diabetes View View
Mental Health
Depression View View

Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders &

View View

Adult Immunization


View View

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