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Organizational Change Measures

Creating a working environment where employee health and safety is valued, supported and promoted through workplace health programs, policies, benefits, and environmental changes is an important part of organizational change. Organizational and culture change involves all levels of the organization and establishes the workplace health program as a routine part of business operations aligned with overall business goals. The results of this organizational and culture change include engaged and empowered employees, an impact on health care costs, and improved worker productivity.

Selecting any of the health topics below provides potential evaluation measures at program baseline, process measures during the program, and program outcome measures related to organizational change.

Health topics addressed

Injury Adult Immunization

Alcohol & Substance Misuse


Physical Activity

Tobacco Use

Blood Pressure

Obesity (BMI)

Cancer - Breast

Cancer - Cervical

Cancer - Colorectal


Type 2 Diabetes



Work-Related Musculoskeletal
Disorders & Ergonomics

Influenza & Pneumococcal


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