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Monthly User Call Series

The NPHPSP sponsors a monthly conference call series for users of the NPHPSP and interested parties.

Hosted by National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI), the calls provide an opportunity to share experiences and lessons learned with fellow NPHPSP users as well as learn about topics on a national level that relate to performance assessment.

Participants on past calls have discussed topics such as:

  • unique implementation strategies;
  • the exploration of a national voluntary accreditation system for local and state public health departments; and
  • plans for quality improvement after completion of the assessment.

For More Information, please contact

Jennifer McKeever
(202) 842-2022


National Network of Public Health Institutes (NNPHI)

Calendar (Coming Soon)

Upcoming Topics (Coming Soon)


Annual Spring Training

CDC and its partners host a once-yearly national training for current and prospective NPHPSP users.

Check back frequently for additional information on this annual event. Additional information can be found on the NPHPSP website.




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  • Page last reviewed: April 9, 2012
  • Page last updated: April 9, 2012 The U.S. Government's Official Web PortalDepartment of Health and Human Services
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