Army Strong Videos

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Racing Episode 1

comparing the Army and the racing team.

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  • Racing Episode 01

    Drivers and crew members speak about the meaning of representing the U.S. Army.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 01
  • Racing Episode 02

    Drivers and crew members speak about fuel systems and related racing strategy.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 02
  • Racing Episode 03

    U.S. Army Racing Teams discuss the dangers they face on the job.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 03
  • Racing Episode 04

    U.S. Army Racing teams talk about race preparations and maintenance.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 04
  • Racing Episode 05

    The use simulators is an important part of winning the fight.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 05
  • Racing Episode 06

    U.S. Army Racing Team members discuss how people are the most important factor i...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 06
  • Racing Episode 07

    U.S. Army Race Teams take full advantage of the latest technologies.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 07
  • Racing Episode 08

    U.S. Army Race Teams discuss what it takes to win races.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 08
  • Racing Episode 09

    Communication and information systems have become a key factor in trying to win ...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 09
  • Racing Episode 10

    Proudly representing the the men and women that serve comes first for the U.S. A...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 10
  • Racing Episode 1

    comparing the Army and the racing team.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: NASCAR Army Racing NHRA

    Racing Episode 1 - Army and Racing
    Racing Episode 1
  • Racing Episode 2

    Being a leader in the Army and on the racing team.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Ryan Newman Tony Schumacher

    Racing Episode 2 - Leading the Team
    Racing Episode 2
  • Race For Strength Challenge


    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing Army Experience

    Race For Strength Challenge
Showing  of 

Racing Episode 1

comparing the Army and the racing team.

TONY SCHUMACHER: I bet if you took an Army squad over my team and reversed the roles, they'd be flawless and perfect in each job. They would take a few weeks to train, they'd have to prepare, but they'd also be the same group of people who'd be capable of doing that – I think that's how they are the same.
STAFF SERGEANT – DAVID ROZMARIN: You have a driver in the racing team, we have a driver in the vehicle – now he's not the only one out there doing it, there is an entire crew with him. The same thing with the racing team. You' have the crew chief, that's like the vehicle commander – you've got the individuals out there changing tires, that's the pit crew, similar to our mechanics and our communications officers – the one's who really get us prepared to go out there and fight.
RYAN NEWMAN: It's easy to understand, from the outside, why there's 150 different jobs – or job titles – in the US Army, because every time you talk with somebody or talk with a different soldier, he does something different.
Ryan Newman: "When I'm driving, two people I only ever usually talk to is my crew chief and my spotter. And more often than not I'm listening to my spotter, and it's a 50/50 balance between talking and listening to my crew chief ‘cause I need to know what's going on with the race to understand you know our strategy, our pit window, what our tire cycles are, and things like that."
SERGEANT – DUSTIN WHITE Everyone has their own job, but it all – it's like a, you know, working mechanism – they all have their own cogs, their own pieces – they have to be in the same timing.
RYAN NEWMAN: Our team compared to an Army squad… I will say this – I've never been truly a part of an Army squad, but I can say it's all about teamwork. There's always a sense of leadership, not just the leader, but each individual has to have a sense of leadership.
SPECIALIST – THOMAS CARTER It's not just the guy on race day who's doing the job, it's the mechanics making the machine work. And in the Army, it's the same way – it's not just the tank crew who's shooting the tank – and maneuvering the tank in the field, it’s the mechanics working the late nights to make sure that tank is ready to go.
STAFF SERGEANT – KRISTOPHER SMITH Their main team – at a pit stop, the maintenance guys are right there. Change a tire – quick. Get them back on the racetrack – give them the best advantage to win. And that's what our maintenance guys do for us as well. They give us the best advantage to win the fight.
RYAN NEWMAN: You know it's a lot of focus, a lot of attention to detail – understand respect, trust, be loyal – all the positive words that make a difference.
SERGEANT – DUSTIN WHITE Just like, you know, with the racing, it isn't the driver out there just driving, that's not all there is to it – there's more to it.
SPECIALIST – NATHAN WALTER Whether it be winning a race or accomplishing a mission – there's always moving parts. And, um, everyone has to work together in order to successfully complete the mission.
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