Vessel Safety Check Web Site

Lillian M Haines, Department Director - RBV, USCGAUX
Robert Miller, National VSC Program Coordinator, USPS

Click Here for 15 Reasons a Vessel Might Not Pass a Vessel Safety Check (VSC)


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Do you Love Boating? If so, Join the US Coast Guard Auxiliary

Test your boating knowledge. This online quiz gives boaters a refresher safety course for National Safe Boating Week, which is May 22-28. The quiz consists of 25 questions testing a boater's knowledge of standard safety procedures.

See what Channel 10 in Saint Petersburg, Florida had to say...
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What is a Vessel Safety Check (VSC)?

A Vessel Safety Check is a courtesy examination of your boat (Vessel) to verify the presence and condition of certain Safety Equipment required by State and the Federal regulations. The Vessel Examiner is a trained specialist and is a member of the United States Power Squadrons or the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. They will also make certain recommendations and discuss certain safety issues that will make you a safer boater.

This is not boarding or a law enforcement issue. No citations will be given as a result of this encounter. We will supply you with a copy of our evaluation so that you may follow some of the suggestions given. Vessels that pass will be able to display our distinctive VSC decal. This does not exempt you from law enforcement boarding, but you can be prepared to make this a positive encounter.

Do you have a safe boating related website? If so link to us and provide your visitors with access to our database of volunteers to perform a FREE vessel safety check in our I Want a VSC system.

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Webmaster Paul Mayer, DVC-VC