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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is PRAMS?

Mother and baby

PRAMS is the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System. It is a joint research project between the state departments of health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Reproductive Health

What is the purpose of PRAMS?

The purpose of PRAMS is to find out why some babies are born healthy and others are not. The survey asks new mothers questions about their pregnancy and their new baby. The questions give us important information about the mother and the baby and help us learn why some babies are born healthy and others are not.

How can I be chosen to participate?

If you have recently given birth, your name may be picked by chance, like in a lottery, from the state birth certificate registry. If you are chosen, you will receive a survey by mail.

Will my answers be kept private?

Yes. All answers are kept private. No one will know the name of the mother who has answered the questions.

What does PRAMS do with the information?

The information collected from the mothers is used to develop health programs and policies; help doctors and nurses improve care; and make better use of health resources.

If I receive a survey, is it really important that I answer these questions?

Yes! Because of the small number of mothers picked, it is important to have everyone’s answers. Every pregnancy is different. To get a better overall picture of the health of mothers and babies, we need each mother selected to answer the questions. From the information you give us, we may be able to improve health care for women and children in your state.

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