Federal Aviation Administration

NextGen Performance Snapshots

Wheels Down on the New NextGen Performance Snapshots

Wheels Down on the New NextGen Performance Snapshots

Wheels Down on the New NextGen Performance Snapshots

It is designed to provide reports on the performance of NextGen capabilities as they become measurable throughout the entire country and national airspace.

The goal is to be as transparent as possible and to show the results of NextGen in raw numbers. The Snapshots are designed to show progress in various geographic regions: the 21 metroplexes we have identified, the 30 Core airports and targeted airspace, such as the Gulf of Mexico.

The Performance Snapshots also inform the public of how the agency is meeting its commitments to the aviation community as stated in the NextGen Implementation Plan through case studies and success stories.

Page Last Modified: 08/27/12 13:34 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/nextgen/snapshots/slides/?slide=1