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Rivers of the World - Celebrating International Education Week

Rivers of the World Exhibit Opening

Last week at ED, we celebrated International Education Week with the official opening of the "Rivers of the World" art exhibit, which features artwork from U.S. and U.K. students. This exhibit, made possible by the Department's Student Art Exhibition Program, perfectly embodies the spirit of International Education Week by demonstrating to us the kind of broader learning that’s possible, across countries, and across oceans.

Speaking with special guest Martin Davidson, Chief Executive of the British Council.

Speaking with special guest Martin Davidson, Chief Executive of the British Council.

The exhibit is part of the British Council's Rivers of the World project, linking schools and more than 2,000 13–14 year olds around the world through a common theme: their city's river. In the exhibit on display at ED, students from the U.S. and the U.K. use their creative talents to celebrate, explore, and share the beauties of their local environment, specifically the Anacostia River for the U.S. students and the Thames River for the U.K. students. The exhibit also underscores the theme of International Week: "Striving for a Sustainable Future."

I would encourage any of you who are in the area to stop by and see the artwork created by students from right here in DC. The exhibit is absolutely wonderful, and I'm so proud to have the talents of our students on display!

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