National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
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Allergies and Asthma

NIAID vigorously pursues research on asthma and allergic diseases by supporting investigator initiated projects, cooperative clinical studies, a national network of research centers, and demonstration and education research projects.

Food Allergy

Food allergy is an abnormal response to a food triggered by the body's immune system. Allergic reactions to food can cause serious illness and, in some cases, death.

NIAID is the nation's principal supporter of food allergy research. Scientists are striving to better understand both the immune system and how certain foods trigger an allergic reaction by conducting clinical studies such as how to manage allergy to cow's milk and how to combat peanut and egg allergies.

Learn more about food allergy and NIAID's role in food allergy research.

Research in Allergic Diseases

NIAID vigorously pursues research on asthma and allergic diseases by supporting investigator initiated projects, cooperative clinical studies, a national network of research centers, and demonstration and education research projects.

Learn more about the research NIAID is doing on allergic diseases.



Asthma, a respiratory disease of the lungs, is the most common serious chronic disease of childhood. It is characterized by episodes of inflammation and narrowing of the lower airways in response to asthma "triggers." These triggers include infectious agents, stress, pollutants such as cigarette smoke, and common allergens such as cat dander, dust mites, and pollen.

NIAID has been in the forefront of research into the mechanisms underlying asthma and developing clinical treatments for the disease since 1971. NIAID's research focuses on understanding how the environment, allergens, and genetics interact with the body's own immune system to cause asthma and aggravate the symptoms.

Learn more about asthma and NIAID's role in asthma research.


Sinusitis means your sinuses are infected or inflamed. Health experts estimate 37 million Americans are affected by sinusitis every year. Healthcare providers report nearly 32 million cases of chronic sinusitis to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention annually. Americans spend $5.8 billion each year on healthcare costs related to sinusitis.

Learn more about sinusitis.

Volunteer for Clinical Studies
Volunteer for NIAID-funded clinical studies related to allergies and asthma on

Research Feature

Illustration demonstrating the effect of NF-kB on airway remodeling.
Recent research results may have a marked impact on how asthma is treated in the future. Read A Potential New Target for Treating Asthma.

See Also

  • Allergic Diseases News Releases
  • Asthma News Releases
  • Immune System
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    Volunteer for Clinical Studies
    Volunteer for NIAID-funded clinical studies related to allergies and asthma on

    Research Feature

    Illustration demonstrating the effect of NF-kB on airway remodeling.
    Recent research results may have a marked impact on how asthma is treated in the future. Read A Potential New Target for Treating Asthma.

    See Also

  • Allergic Diseases News Releases
  • Asthma News Releases
  • Immune System