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EPA Green Buildings

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Designing, constructing, operating, and maintaining buildings involves large amounts of energy, water, and other resources and creates significant amounts of waste. The building process also impacts the environment and ecosystem surrounding the building site. Even after buildings are constructed, occupants and building managers face a host of challenges as they try to maintain a healthy, efficient, and productive work environment. EPA addresses these challenges by promoting energy and resource efficiency, waste reduction and pollution prevention practices, indoor air quality standards, and other environmental initiatives for both new construction and existing buildings.

Typical green buildings often incorporate the following features:

Learn more about EPA's Green Buildings in the sections below:

In the United States, buildings account for:

Source: U.S. Green Building Council

EPA's Green Buildings

Best Practices

EPA's Best Practice Lease Provisions are available for use in new lease solicitations. The provisions include sustainable building requirements and other building best practices that EPA aims to pursue in its leased buildings. Learn more about the Best Practice (Environmental) Lease Provisions and download a copy.


EPA created a form known as "GreenCheck" as a framework for “greening” its real estate projects and streamlining and tracking its facilities’ compliance with federal requirements. GreenCheck consolidates various federal requirements into a user-friendly checklist to be evaluated at the inception of a project. Learn more about GreenCheck and download the GreenCheck form.

EPA leases most of its major office buildings. The Agency works to improve the environmental performance of its leased buildings—often build-to-suit projects—through green lease specifications and riders. These amendments to traditional lease language emphasize energy, water, and resource conservation.

To further carry out its green building mission, EPA uses the LEED® Exit EPA Disclaimer New Construction, a green building rating system, as one tool to help set environmental performance standards for new building design and construction and to provide independent verification of design adequacy and proper construction. EPA also employs the ENERGY STAR® label for buildings; energy efficiency requirements that obtain 30 percent better energy performance than ASHRAE 90.1-2004; and WaterSense® labeled products. Additionally, the Agency has adopted its own water conservation measures; resource conservation, recycling, and use of sustainable building materials requirements; and measures to protect indoor air quality. EPA's Green Buildings Vision and Policy Statement serves as a guide for a holistic, systems approach to sustainable building design, renovation, and maintenance.

The following EPA facilities are actively pursuing or demonstrating green building principles:

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