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A Message from the Deputy Director

Welcome to the most wonderful agency in government. As Deputy Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, I witness what a diversified team can accomplish every day. From our successes in the wake of the recent Gulf oil spill to meeting today’s conservation challenges head-on, our strength is in the diversity of our people. And meeting these challenges is becoming more and more critical.
We as conservation professionals are starting to realize that environmental change is reshaping our world. For instance, sea level rise in our coastal areas threatens wildlife and local livelihoods. Environmental change affects the habitat where our cherished fish and wildlife live.
When habitat is diverse, with all its important parts in place, it’s stronger and better able to weather adversity. But when a few vital links in the habitat chain disappear, the system starts to collapse.
Environmental change is accelerating, and given these changes, it’s more important than ever that our workforce has the widest possible array of talents, ideas and perspectives.
The Service is our nation’s premier conservation agency, entrusted with protecting, restoring and enhancing America’s wild places and wild creatures. Now we must strive to become nation’s premier employer, one that better reflects the mosaic of people that we serve.  Just as diverse habitats make for healthy landscapes, a diverse workforce can be more resilient, adaptable and effective.  This results in greater creativity, innovative approaches, and a fresh way of looking at things. These are the assets the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service sorely needs.
As we tackle the defining conservation issues of our time, we’re building a workforce responsible for protecting fish, wildlife and their habitats not just five years from now, but a hundred years from now.
We want you to be part of our team.  Please join us here at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as we steward the wildlife of America for generations to come.

Audio Files

FWS Diversity Message - English

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