North and South Sudan Sign Abyei Agreement

Susan E. Rice
U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations , U.S. Mission to the United Nations
New York City
June 20, 2011


Reuters soundbites:

UN Ambassador Rice (June 20): “Mr. President we welcome the news that the parties have just signed an agreement on temporary administrative and security arrangements for Abyei and the withdrawal of Sudanese armed forces. We are encouraged by this news. We greatly appreciate the intensive efforts of former president Thabo Mbeki and the African Union high-level implementation panel over the past two weeks to assist the parties in their negotiations. Now comes the crucial task of full and timely implementation. This Council will closely monitor adherence with its statements and the progress toward rapidly ensuring that the terms of the Addis agreement are swiftly fulfilled.”

"We want to underscore the urgency of Ethiopian troops deploying immediately to Abyei as the agreed interim security force under UN auspices and on the timeline agreed to by the parties. We also thank Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for his extraordinary efforts and commitment to resolve the crisis in Abyei and for his agreement to provide Ethiopian troops. And I also want to extend our thanks and gratitude to SRSG Menkerious for his continued and intensive efforts throughout this process. The United States will soon circulate a draft Security Council resolution for Council consideration to authorize creation of this proposed interim security force for Abyei.” Full Text»

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