Foreign Operations Appropriated Assistance: Moldova

Fact Sheet
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
April 1, 2011



Date: 06/30/2011 Description: Moldova Foreign Operations Assistance Fact Sheet, April 2011 - State Dept Image


Coordinator's Office Annual Reports»
U.S. Embassy Website»»
Millennium Challenge Corporation»

Flag of Moldova is three equal vertical bands of blue (hoist side), yellow, and red; emblem in center of flag is of a Roman eagle of gold outlined in black with a red beak and talons carrying a yellow cross in its beak and a green olive branch in its right talons and a yellow scepter in its left talons; on its breast is a shield divided horizontally red over blue with a stylized ox head, star, rose, and crescent all in black-outlined yellow.

ASSISTANCE GOALS: The United States Government (USG) assistance in Moldova is provided to strengthen democratic institutions and processes, increase economic prosperity, secure the country’s recognized borders, and assist Moldova to become a full partner in the European and international communities. Assistance programs encourage improved governance, strengthened civil society and independent media, increased knowledge of legal rights, and access to justice. Additional goals are to reduce poverty by supporting key industries to realize their export potential, and address trafficking in persons by improving the ability of law enforcement to identify and prosecute traffickers, while protecting victims of trafficking. Other efforts support the re-integration of the breakaway region of Transnistria through targeted economic growth and civic participation programs.


Peace and Security (P&S)

  • Assist Moldova to become a capable partner in international military efforts
  • Develop the capacity of law enforcement to reduce threat of transnational crime, including trafficking in persons

Governing Justly and Democratically (GJD)

  • Build the capacity of civil society and independent media to fulfill watchdog and advocacy roles and increase informed civic participation
  • Provide targeted technical expertise to enact reforms and build capacity at all levels and across all branches of the government
  • Promote free and fair elections, strengthen electoral institutions and promote political competition
  • Strengthen legal and judicial institutions and increase public access to legal protection and representation

Economic Growth (EG)

  • Improve trade and investment capacity of Moldovan companies
  • Improve the regulatory and operating environment for Moldovan firms

Humanitarian Assistance (HA)

  • Relieve suffering of vulnerable populations by providing donated food, clothing and medical supplies
  • Repair educational and health care institutions through small reconstruction project grants


  • Contributed to parliamentary elections deemed by observers to have met most international commitments through support for civic election observation and election administration.
  • Supported the drafting of the new Law on the Legal Profession, adopted by Parliament in May 2010, which improved the self-regulation and status of criminal defense and civil attorneys in Moldova in accordance with international standards.
  • Supported the streamlining of issuance of construction permits that cut costs for such permits by 80 per cent, improving the business environment.
  • Distributed over $4.1 million worth of donated clothing, hygiene items, medical equipment and supplies to hospitals, clinics and vulnerable sectors of the population in Moldova including the elderly, orphaned children, and the disabled.

*This fact sheet does not reflect Peace Corps funding or centrally managed or regional Foreign Operations funding that is not specifically budgeted for Moldova.

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