Improving the quality of life in the Great Lakes region and across the country.



Working to close the achievement gap by improving the quality of teachers in schools that serve low-income communities and children of color, expanding early childhood education, and promoting innovation.



Working to improve education systems and support opportunities for underprepared adults to learn important skills and pursue good-paying jobs in their communities to help the economy thrive.



Adopting energy efficient measures and restoring the health of the Great Lakes to protect the environment and resources for the future.



Working to improve communities through the arts, support art that reflects the community, and make art accessible to diverse audiences.

Gun Violence Prevention

Gun Violence Prevention

Working with law enforcement, policy makers and advocates to develop common sense gun violence reduction and prevention policies that keep our communities safe.

Money And Politics

Money And Politics

Working to encourage citizens to participate in our democracy by promoting campaign finance reform, open and ethical government, fair and competitive elections and an independent judiciary, and balancing political influence.

Special Opportunities

Special Opportunities

Working to enhance understanding of the Foundation’s issues, explore connections among the Foundation’s programs, and support work on social equity or regional cooperation.

Work In Progress

Welcome to The Joyce Foundation

The Joyce Foundation supports the development of policies that both improve the quality of life for people in the Great Lakes region and serve as models for the rest of the country. The Joyce Foundation's grant making supports research into Great Lakes protection and restoration, energy efficiency, teacher quality and early reading, workforce development, gun violence prevention, diverse art for diverse audiences, and a strong, thriving democracy. The Foundation encourages innovative and collaborative approaches with a regional focus and the potential for a national reach.


Latest News From The Joyce Foundation


Accelerating Opportunity Announced At Opportunity Nation Summit

9/19/2012 9:55:00 AM

$18.5 million initiative supports states’ efforts to provide adults with the credentials they need


Great Lakes Week: Online Video Archive

9/18/2012 11:15:00 AM

Detroit Public TV's coverage of Great Lakes Week


Rocco Landesman And Theaster Gates Discuss Creative Placemaking

9/11/2012 10:28:00 AM

NEA Chairman and Joyce Awards Winner Discuss Views on How the Arts Contribute to Creative Community Development Two Years and 200 Prizes Later

9/10/2012 9:36:00 AM

Two years after the Obama Administration created, the first online listing of incentive prizes offered or supported by Federal agencies,...


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Chicago, Illinois 60602
Phone: (312) 782-2464  |  Fax: (312) 782-4160

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