Turkey's National Day

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
October 28, 2010


On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Turkey on the anniversary of your founding this October 29.

In the 87 years since Mustafa Kemal Ataturk set out a new vision for the Turkish people, Turkey has risen to become a leading economic power and an important presence on the world stage. The opportunities for Turkey to lead in the 21st century are even greater.

The relationship between Turkey and the United States is broader and more dynamic today than ever before. Both President Obama and I made visiting Turkey a priority last year because we recognize the importance of a strong partnership between our nations – a partnership based on mutual respect, mutual interests, and mutual responsibility. The Framework for Strategic Economic and Commercial Cooperation to boost trade and investment is just one example of how we are strengthening ties between our counties. As NATO allies, we also stand shoulder to shoulder to help create a safer and more secure environment for future generations, in Afghanistan and around the world.

I wish the people of Turkey a safe and happy holiday as you celebrate this special anniversary and all you have accomplished. We look forward to continuing to work closely with Turkey toward our shared goals and aspirations.

PRN: 2010/1553


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