Belgium's National Day

Press Statement
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC
July 20, 2010


On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Belgium on the 180th anniversary of your National Day this July 21.

The rich history between the United States and Belgium dates back to before our nations were founded. We have stood together for centuries, aiding each other in adversity, cheering one another’s successes, and building strong international organizations to address global challenges. In addition to hosting NATO and European Union institutions, Belgium’s current presidency of the EU showcases the foundational role you have played in building and strengthening European leadership in the region and around the globe.

Today, our partnership is more vibrant than ever. Belgium is a crucial part of the United States’ relationship with Europe as we work together on the key issues of our world. We particularly applaud Belgium’s continued advocacy for political and economic cooperation and assistance to developing regions of the world.

I wish all Belgians a safe and joyous National Day celebration and look forward to continuing our close partnership to secure a more peaceful and prosperous future for us all.


PRN: 2010/985


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