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FY 2009 Grant Competition

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  1. What is the expected period of the grant awards?
  2. How does a new grantee qualify for a two-year continuation award?
  3. How many budget periods should I submit with my TAH application?
  4. Can I change my project period after the grant is awarded?
  5. How will LEA/consortium enrollment numbers affect funding?

1. What is the expected period of the grant awards?

The Department intends to award grants with project periods of up to 60 months, with initial funding for the first three years (the initial budget period), and possible continuation awards for the remaining 24 months of the program. Applicant must establish the requested budget period in the application.


2. How does a new grantee qualify for a two-year continuation award?

The Department will make continuation awards to grantees after three years based on two factors. The first is the availability of funds. The second is a grantee's substantial progress towards accomplishing the goals and objectives of the project as described in its approved application. A review of each grantee's progress may include consideration of evidence of promising practices and strong evaluation design.


3. How many budget periods should I submit with my TAH application?

Applicants should submit a detailed budget narrative for each year of the requested budget period. For years four and five (the second budget period if a continuation award is made), budget cost should be comparable to years 1-3.


4. Can I change my project period after the grant is awarded?

No, once the grant as been awarded to the applicant, the established project period must remain for the life of the grant.


5. How will LEA/consortium enrollment numbers affect funding?

Award funding is based on the number of students enrolled in your LEA or consortium of LEAs. Department staff will verify the enrollment numbers, so it is important that you verify award numbers before you apply as your funding will be adjusted accordingly. For three-year grants, the enrollment figures are as follows:

$500,000 for LEAs with enrollments of less than 20,000 students; $1,000,000 for LEAs with enrollments of 20,000 - 300,000 students; and $2,000,000 for LEAs with enrollments above 300,000 students. LEAs may form consortia and combine their enrollments in order to receive a grant reflective of their combined enrollment.


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Last Modified: 02/20/2009