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Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program

Greenhouse Gas Data Sets

These files contain the publicly available data from the GHG Reporting Program for 2010. This data includes non-confidential data reported by facilities that directly emit GHGs. The files also contain non-confidential information reported by suppliers of fossil fuels and industrial gases. A limited subset of the supplier data has not been released and will be available in the coming weeks. All information reflects the most recent data submitted by facilities to EPA prior to April 6, 2012. Sign up for our RSS feed to be informed when updated data becomes available. This data set does not include data elements that are considered confidential business information or for which no confidentiality determinations have been made. EPA is not able to share confidential business information with the public.

  • Download Summary 2010 GHG Data (XLSX, 1.2M) – This excel file contains the same information available in the Data Publication Tool. The file contains the most important, high-level information reported by direct emitters and suppliers and can be easily sorted to respond to many common queries.
  • Download Parent Company Data (XLSX, 1.1M) – This excel file contains the name and location of each facility's highest-level United States parent company/companies as reported to EPA. Facilities report the parent company/companies that owned the facility on December 31st in the reporting year. Facilities report U.S. parent companies only. The file includes important information about interpretation of this data set.
  • Download Aggregated GHG Data for Importers/Exporters of Petroleum Products (XLSX, 9K) – This excel file contains the total GHG quantity reported by importers and exporters of petroleum products (Subpart MM) as reported to the GHGRP for 2010.
  • Download 2010 GHG Data – These files contain publicly available data reported by facilities to EPA under the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program for 2010. These files include non-confidential data reported to EPA. Instructions for how to open these files in commonly used data analysis software are included.
    • Download 2010 GHG Data – One large file (ZIP, 6M) – This zip file contains one large XML file which houses all data that has been determined to be non-confidential as reported by facilities in the following industry types: Stationary Fuel Combustion (C), Electricity Generation (D), Ammonia Manufacturing (G), Cement Production (H), Ferroalloy Production (K), Glass Production (N), Hydrogen Production (P), Iron and Steel Production (Q), Lime Manufacturing (S non-CEMS), Petrochemical Production (X), Petroleum Refineries (Y), Pulp and Paper Manufacturing (AA), Municipal Solid Waste Landfills (HH), Suppliers of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids (NN) and Suppliers of Carbon Dioxide (PP). This file is available in XML format, a commonly used data format for transferring large, complex data sets. Users unfamiliar with XML should use the HTML files referenced below.
    • Download 2010 GHG Data – By Industry Type (ZIP, 48M) –This zip file includes HTML and XML files for each facility in the subparts listed above, categorized by subpart. HTML files are easily readable using any web browser.
    • Download 2010 GHG Data – By State (ZIP, 29M) – This zip file includes HTML and XML files for each facility in the subparts listed above, categorized by state. HTML files are easily readable using any web browser.
    • Download 2010 GHG Data – Additional Industry Types (XLSX, 62K) – This excel file houses all data that has been determined to be non-confidential as reported by facilities in the following industry types: Adipic Acid Production (E), Aluminum Production (F), HCFC-22 Production and HFC-23 Destruction (O), Lead Production (R), Lime Manufacturing (S CEMS), Miscellaneous Uses of Carbonate (U), Nitric Acid Production (V), Phosphoric Acid Production (Z), Silicon Carbide Production (BB), Soda Ash Manufacturing (CC), Titanium Dioxide Production (EE) and Zinc Production (GG).

A limited subset of supplier data is not yet available. EPA will make non-confidential data reported by these suppliers available in the coming weeks.

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