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Program Materials


Where Community Health Begins booklet
Working Hand-In-Hand to Promote Community Health [PDF - 5.24MB]

CDC's Prevention Research Centers work hand-in-hand with underserved communities to develop strategies that promote community health.


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Fact Sheets

At-A-Glance Cover 2009
Prevention Research Centers [PDF - 1.35MB]
Fast Facts





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Formatted Articles

Simple Steps To Reduce Fall Risks
Simple Steps To Reduce Fall Risks [PDF - 747.80KB]
Read fall-prevention tips from PRCs developing strategies to reduce fall incidence.





 Giving Kids A Taste For Fruits And Vegetables Thumbnail
Giving Kids A Taste For Fruits And Vegetables [PDF - 1.24MB]
Read about strategies PRC researchers are finding effective in getting children to eat fruits and vegetables




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PRC Program Journal Articles

Article Highlights Partnerships Between Three PRCs and the Private Sector
An article in the April 2009 issue of Preventing Chronic Disease, "The Private Partners of Public Health: Public-Private Alliances for Public Good," explains the lessons learned from partnerships between PRCs and varied entities in the private sector.

More Journal Articles


 Researcher Community Partnerships for High Impact Results Thumbnail
The Prevention Research Centers Program: Researcher-Community Partnerships for High-Impact Results [PDF - 518KB]
Excerpted from Thomas P. Gullotta & Martin Bloom (Editors). Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion. 2nd ed. New York: Springer Science+Business Media, in press. Preprinted with permission.


More Reports


Partnership Trust Tool


PRC overview video screenshot
PRC Program Overview
This five-minute video, produced in 2011, introduces the Prevention Research Centers Program—its members, partners, and types of achievements.



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    4770 Buford Hwy, NE
    MS K-45
    Atlanta, GA 30341-3717
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