National Cancer Institute
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LiveHelp Get live, online assistance from the NCI's LiveHelp service

  • Our Information Specialists can answer your questions about cancer, clinical trials, and quitting smoking.
  • LiveHelp is confidential.
  • LiveHelp does not provide medical advice.
  • To learn more about LiveHelp, read the FAQs.

LiveHelp is available Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM Eastern Time.
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LiveHelp Service Notice

NCI Information Specialists on LiveHelp can give you information about cancer from the National Cancer Institute. However, they are not health care providers and do not provide medical advice. LiveHelp is not a substitute for talking with a health care professional.

Frequently Asked Questions about the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's)
LiveHelp Service

Q:   Is there really a person on the other end?
A: Yes. NCI's LiveHelp Service is staffed by real people. By typing, you will have a live conversation with an Information Specialist.
Q:   Who are the people on the other end?
A: They are Information Specialists with knowledge of NCI information, publications, Web sites, as well as other information about cancer and cancer-related resources.
Q:   What kind of information is available through NCI's LiveHelp Service?
A: LiveHelp Information Specialists can answer your questions about cancer and provide help in navigating NCI Web sites. We can also tell you about clinical trials (research studies) and provide tailored clinical trial searches for those who are interested in participating in one.
Q:   Do the people on the other end know who I am?
A: No. NCI's LiveHelp Information Specialists will only know what Web page you were on when you clicked the LiveHelp button, and whatever you tell them. They have no way of getting any other information about you. However, you should not provide any information that identifies you. Information sent over the Internet may not be secure.
Q:   Can someone else on the Internet listen in?
A: No. The session is one-on-one only. NCI's LiveHelp Service is not a "chat room." In addition, your LiveHelp session is encrypted (similar to when you use a credit card on a Web page) for extra security.
Q:   Do I need additional software to use NCI's LiveHelp Service?
A: No. LiveHelp works within the browser on your computer.
Q:   Can I get a computer virus using NCI's LiveHelp Service?
A: No. LiveHelp can only send text to your computer, so it is impossible to send a virus.
Q:   Can I get the same information by telephone?
A: Yes. Within the United States, our Cancer Information Service, at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237), is available to answer cancer- or tobacco-related questions Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM Eastern time.

LiveHelp Privacy Notice

LiveHelp users are anonymous. We cannot identify you, but you should not enter any information that is private. Although the National Cancer Institute has taken measures to protect your privacy, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you send over the Internet. We will review records of LiveHelp sessions for purposes of quality control and evaluation.

LiveHelp System Requirements

We have implemented measures to ensure the security and privacy of our site visitors. You will be able to securely access this site if you use one of the following browsers:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or higher
  • Mozilla Firefox version 2.0 or higher
  • Opera version 9.0 or higher
  • Apple Safari version 3.0 or higher

Some international visitors or visitors using older browsers may not be able to fully use this site. In order to work properly, LiveHelp also requires that Javascript be enabled and that pop-ups are not blocked.

LiveHelp users may also experience technical problems such as disconnects or lag caused by their Internet connection. Should you have any problems with using our LiveHelp service, we ask that you call our Cancer Information Service at 1-800-4-CANCER (1-800-422-6237) and speak with an Information Specialist. Please let the Specialist know you attempted to use LiveHelp and experienced technical issues. We will use this information to try to determine the cause of the issue and improve our service.


 Last Modified: 7/14/2011

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