Public Notifications

Aligned to goals:
  • 1.2: Make more data and information available to the public.
  • 1.5: Maintain up-to-date information on the Department's website about Department offices and key programs.
  • 2.2: Provide regularly updated project maps, dated milestones, and financial data regarding open government and other key initiatives.

The Department of Education notifies the public of important events and information updates via its website and other social media tools. Below is a description of the tools currently in use.

  • Electronic newsletters—The Department has multiple periodic electronic newsletters that inform parents, teachers, education stakeholders, and other members of the public. These electronic newsletters are open to the public via the Department's opt-in policy, in which subscribers may stop delivery at any time. EDInfo, ED Review, Education Innovator, IESNews, Research e-News, Touching Base, PreventionED, and OVAE Connection are the currently available newsletters, and the Department will continue to create newsletters as new special topics are indentified. For more information on the Department's electronic newsletters, please visit:
  • Blog—The blog is a primary tool for the Department of Education to publish and promote up-to-date information on agency and the Secretary's events and news headlines. In addition to publishing information, the blog also allows for inclusion of videos, opportunities for public commenting, and electronic subscription via Really Simple Syndication (RSS) features found in third-party blog reading software. The Department plans on extending its blog tools to other offices within the Department. The main blog can be found at:
  • Media releases—Frequently throughout the day, the Department of Education releases newsworthy items via its electronic press room. This section of features press releases, speeches, media advisories, and the Secretary's weekly schedule. The Department's press room is located at:
  • Federal Register—The Department of Education frequently publishes proposed and final regulations, announcements and other documents in the Federal Register maintained by the Government Printing Office. The Department updates its website to provide a listing of Federal Register notices as well as a search capability. The Department's Federal Register page is available at:
  • Twitter—Twitter is an online social network tool that sends status updates to subscribers. The Department uses Twitter daily to send important updates of Department activities. The main Department Twitter feed is available at and others are listed at
  • Facebook—Facebook is another online social network tool that the Department uses to send updates to subscribers. Facebook is used daily to send important updates about the Department and the Secretary. The main Department Facebook page is and others are available at
  • YouTube—YouTube is a video-sharing service that the Department uses to distribute audio and video clips. The Department's YouTube channel features taped stakeholder meetings, messages from senior officials, and other special topic features. The YouTube channel for the Department can be found at
  •—The Department posts synopses of proposed contract actions as well as contract solicitations on, which is the single point on the Internet where vendors can access information needed to bid on government contracts. Vendors wishing to do business with the Department may view synopses and download solicitations that they are interested in bidding on.

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