Objective 4.1
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Employee Participation Through OpenED

Aligned to goals:
  • 4.1: Encourage openness and communication about effectiveness within the Department.
  • 4.2: Enhance Departmental internal collaboration capabilities.


President Obama pledged to look for budget-cutting ideas from the bottom up, saying he would establish a process through which every government worker could submit ide

Enabling More Web Publishing at ED.gov

Aligned to goals:
  • 2.1: Provide more insight into the agency's decision-making process.
  • 4.1: Encourage openness and communication about effectiveness within the Department.
  • 4.2: Enhance Departmental internal collaboration activities.

Another reason for choosing the recently selected open- source Web publishing technology as the ED.gov Web pl


Aligned to goals:
  • 1.2: Make more data and information available to the public.
  • 1.5: Maintain up-to-date information on the Department's website about offices and key programs.
  • 1.6: Foster more transparency in the larger educational community.
  • 3.1: Enhance collaboration with other federal and non-federal agencies, the public, and non-profit and priv


Aligned to goals:
  • 1.2: Make more data and information available to the public.
  • 1.4: Increase the transparency of the grant application and award process.

IT Dashboard

Aligned to goals:
  • 1.5: Maintain up-to-date information on the Department's website about Department offices and key programs.
  • 3.1: Enhance collaboration with other federal and non-federal agencies, the public, and non-profit and private entities.

Flagship Initiative, Participation: Open Government Steering Committee

Aligned to goals:
  • 2.1: Provide more insight into the agency's decision-making process.
  • 2.2: Provide regularly updated project maps, dated milestones, and financial data regarding open government and other key initiatives.
  • 2.3: Collect and use input from the public and other stakeholders in decision-making
  • 4.1: Encourage openness and communication
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