Memorandum of Agreement Signed with Afghanistan

Media Note
Bureau of Public Affairs, Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
May 29, 2009


U.S. Deputy Ambassador to Afghanistan Francis J. Ricciardone and Afghan Minister of Counter Narcotics Colonel-General Khodaidad signed a memorandum of agreement on May 28, 2009 awarding approximately $6,437,000 to seven provinces in Afghanistan, to recognize their efforts to eliminate or significantly-reduce poppy cultivation. The provinces of Kandahar, Khost, Lowgar, Paktika, Panjshir, Wardak, and Herat were awarded their 2008 Good Performer’s Initiative (GPI) Awards in yesterday’s public media event.

The Good Performer’s Initiative is a conditional performance mechanism aimed at the elimination of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan. Funding for GPI is strictly based on performance in the provinces. Provinces that achieve significant reductions in poppy cultivation, or achieve “poppy-free” status, are expected to maintain that status or each succeeding lower level of cultivation and not allow a resurgence of poppy cultivation. Provinces that allow significant resurgence of poppy cultivation will no longer be eligible for Good Performer’s Initiative funding.

Under this agreement, the Narcotics Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy Kabul (NAS-Kabul) will disburse GPI awards for use in the provinces that meet funding criteria under GPI for 2008, in accordance with the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime Annual Opium Survey. NAS-Kabul agrees to commit GPI funding for the following specific provinces (expressed in United States dollars):

$ 330,500
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,000,000
$ 1,106,500
$ 6,437,500

PRN: 2009/526

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